Wang Wufu The Volunteers: To the War The Battle at Lake Changjin On the Mountain of Tai Hang The Great Military March Forward: Fight for Nanjing, Shanghai and Hangzhou The Award of the Founding General in 1955 The Founding of a Republic The Legend of 1935 Mao Zedong and Qi Baishi Mao Zedong 1949 城南庄1948 The Hundred Regiments Offensive 肝胆相照 风起云涌 七战七捷 中国命运的决战 Decisive Victory Jinggang Mountain 中国1945之重庆风云 My Uncle Zhou Enlai 历史永远铭记 香山叶正红 聂荣臻 开国元勋朱德 Diplomatic Situation 上将许世友 朱德元帅 长征大会师 我们的队伍向太阳 破晓东方 肖劲光大将 The East 长征 On the Mountain of Tai Hang 解放 延安颂 八路军 Wu Xing Hong Qi Ying Feng Piao Yang Marshal Peng Dehuai 开国领袖毛泽东 Cross the Yalu River