Ichiro Araki Zero Woman: Red Handcuffs A Modern Yakuza: Three Decoy Blood Brothers Dynamite Doctor Returns The Kyoto Connection Sing a Song of Sex A Flower in a Neon Jungle Aesthetics of a Bullet The Revelation of a Geisha Ankoku gai jingi Delicate Skillful Fingers Madame Scandal Secret Club 000 Queen Bee's Challenge The Most Dangerous Game The Last Swordsman Yakuza Hooligans Wangan Midnight Final: GTR Densetsu ACT 1 Wangan Midnight Final: GTR Densetsu ACT 2 Wangan Midnight 2 Wangan Midnight 3 Wangan Midnight 4 A Woman’s Road Manon My Sweetheart Prison Tales Girl Boss Revenge: Sukeban Pretty Devil Yoko The Viper Brothers and the Young General Dianas of the Campus Ambition in The Mirror Let's Dance Tonight おゝい雲! Kaze to Ki to Sora to Throw Away Your Books, Rally in the Streets The Morning Schedule Mio The High Cost of Virginity Secret Chronicle: Prostitution Market Girl Boss: Escape From Reform School Tomorrow's Joe 2: The Movie Modern Prostitution: Lust Under a Uniform Modern Prostitution: Lust Under a Uniform Aesthetics of a Bullet Turtle Geisha Jealousy Game Until Evening Manon The Morning Schedule Pilgrimage to Japanese Baths Sex and Fury Kogarashi Monjiro He's Like a Devil He's Like a Devil He's Like a Devil