Turi Vasile The Outsider: The Cinema of Antonio Margheriti Moana Sergio Leone: The Way I See Things Shock Stuntman Roma Killer Fish The Anonymous Venetian Operation San Pietro Legs of Gold Legs of Gold A Sailor's Promises Two Anonymous Letters Scipio the African The Sons of the Leopard The Treasure of San Gennaro Weekend, Italian Style Massacre At Grand Canyon A Sailor's Promises The Guilty The Head of the Family Alive or Preferably Dead Marito e Moglie Those Two in the Legion Six Days a Week How Do I Love You? The Guilty Class of Iron Minnesota Clay The Battle of the Mods Sweetheart The City Stands Trial The Vanquished The Deserter and the Nomads Better a Widow Bread and Chocolate La donna che venne dal mare Uomini ombra Empty Eyes The World Condemns Them The World Condemns Them The World Condemns Them The Flower in His Mouth Times Gone By The Seven Deadly Sins Ho scelto l'amore The Bachelor The Vanquished The Vanquished I Knew Her Well The Seven Deadly Sins Let's Have a Riot La passeggiata La passeggiata Day of the Cobra The Squeeze Verginità Only the Cool Le signore Le signore Fugitive in Trieste