Giantito Burchiellaro Lady Caliph Pereira Declares The Bachelor Treno di panna Acla's Descent into Floristella The Violent Professionals Di che segno sei? Tower of the First Born The Taming of the Shrew Hotel Colonial The Conviction Francesco The Witches' Sabbath Man on Fire The Story of Romance and Knife Little Funny Guy Salomé My Loves Torso Fracchia The Human Beast Bingo Bongo The Haunted House The Beast Yuppi Du Uno contro l'altro, praticamente amici Misunderstood Juliet of the Spirits Fellini's Casanova More Than a Miracle Sweetheart Copkiller Hitch Hike Il provinciale The Soul Keeper Trastevere Abissinia Wrath of the Wind Ghosts, Italian Style The Dead Are Alive Manolesta Gegè Bellavita Life Is Beautiful Life Is Beautiful The Payoff Sunflower Appointment in Beirut Etoile Detective Belli Nobody's Perfect Red Bells Part I: Mexico on Fire The Salamander The Monster The Tango of Jealousy The King is the Best Mayor All the Other Girls Do! Run, Run, Joe! Run, Run, Joe! The Blue-Eyed Bandit The Prince of Homburg Les dix commandements, le spectacle musical Domino I Dieci Comandamenti Il Musical Pandemonio (Switch) Pandemonio (Switch)