Sydney Chaplin King, Queen, Joker A Countess from Hong Kong Limelight Confession Pillars of the Sky Charlie: The Life and Art of Charles Chaplin If You Meet Sartana Pray for Your Death Four Girls in Town Keep in Step Quantez Death Knows No Time Double Face Seven Guys and a Gal Medical Story Act of Love Ho! La Grande Maffia Des goûts et des couleurs Your Turn to Die On the Day of the Lord Chaplin Today: 'Limelight' Columbus Discovers Kraehwinkel Wonderful Town Satan's Cheerleaders The Song of the Balalaika Abdullah's Harem The Adding Machine Trip to Bali The Tramp and the Dictator Manhunt for Murder Psycho Sisters Charlie Chaplin: A Tramp's Life Chaplin in Bali Land of the Pharaohs The Sicilian Clan Follow That Man The Woman Hunter One by One Papa, the Lil' Boats The Bionic Woman Police Woman Switch Kings Row Unknown Chaplin Switch Tonight Starring Jack Paar