Li Jie The Opium War Coward Hero The World Second 我和你 Visitors From the Sui Dynasty Coward Hero The Underdog Knight Wild Grass 尘埃落定 精卫填海 宝帖传奇 Loving Book Nothing Gold Can Stay The Galloped Era The Bride with White Hair The Mask Sword Snow Stride Thank You Doctor Boiling Life Rose War Crossroad Bistro A Murderous Affair in Horizon Tower My Roommate is a Detective The Galloped Era Arsenal Military Academy Heavenly Sword and Dragon Slaying Sabre Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace Nothing Gold Can Stay Healing Master Hot Girl We Are Still Married Police Captain The Empress of China The Young Doctor 最后一枪 Love of Seven Fairy Maidens The One The Young Warriors April Rhapsody 我的抗战之猎豹突击 Back to Field Yuan Chong Huan 长江一号 了凡的故事 了凡的故事 Laughing in the Wind