Mayya Popova The House That Was Built by Everybody Slashing Fellow The Canterville Ghost The Wise Gudgeon Let Me Take Your Dog for a Walk The Fire-Fairy Pot of Porridge С бору по сосенке Как утёнок-музыкант стал футболистом Magician Bakhram's Heritage Where is the Little Bear? Father Frost and the Summer The Lover of Tales Poyga And The Fox Миссис Уксус и мистер Уксус A Present for the Weakest Zhikharka Rabbit and Fly How Mushrooms Fought Against Peas Как верблюжонок и ослик в школу ходили Come and Be Our Guest Thank You, Stork! Tom Thumb Vassilissa Mikulishna Ох и Ах Prometheus