Isaak Kaplan The Gambler Torpedo Bombers Murder at Cloister Ponds Mama Got Married A Fire in the Outhouse, or a Feat in the Ice Light in the Window The Red Diplomat For No Apparent Reason Old Man Khottabych Nights of Farewell The Queen of Spades First Encounter - Last Encounter Another Man's Wife and Husband Under Bed Charlotte Necklace The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson: The Twentieth Century Begins - Part 1 The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson: The Twentieth Century Begins - Part 2 Sherlock Holmes in the 20th Century The Rumyantsev Case Bloodsuckers Barbos Visiting Bobik Three Men in a Boat Under a Stone Sky Just a Life – The Story of Fridtjof Nansen Lady with the Dog