Pierre Lhomme Dans les pas de Jean-Paul Rappeneau Chris Marker: Never Explain, Never Complain Jean-Pierre Melville and Army of Shadows The Essence of Forms L'armée des ombres... le dessous des cartes Sweet Movie Tell Her That I Love Her A Matter of Resistance Voyager Someone Behind the Door The Panafrican Festival in Algiers Cyrano de Bergerac Camille Claudel Mr. Freedom Maurice Le Divorce I Don't Know Much, But I'll Say Everything Army of Shadows Coplan Saves His Skin My Man The Seven Deadly Sins Charlie Dingo The Savage State Stolen Life Shadow of the Castles The Mother and the Whore The Mother and the Whore A Dirty Story Dieu que les femmes sont amoureuses Collective Marriage All Fired Up Exercise in Direct Cinema The Lovely Month of May The Oldest Profession Bitter Champagne The Fighting Cock Judith Therpauve The Old Maid Pillaged Quartet Cotton Mary The Lovely Month of May Le Combat dans l’île Be Seeing You Heartbeat Flesh of the Orchid King of Hearts Jefferson in Paris Césarée Playtime in Paris Changing Landscapes Lovers Like Us Le Passage Un américain Le Navire Night Les Mains négatives La terrifiante diablerie de Petrifix The Joker The Prodigal Daughter Comédie Aurélia Steiner (Melbourne) Four Nights of a Dreamer The Big Delirium Sign of the Lion Method 1 Anna Oz Pierre and Marie My Little Girl Toxic Affair The Panafrican Festival in Algiers The Loneliness of the Long Distance Singer Summer Strolls Deadly Circuit Return to the Beloved Aurélia Steiner (Vancouver) From a Distant Gaze Saint-Tropez Blues