Tony Tani Tale of A Company Boss Pt.2 Pig and Goldfish The Beloved Imposters Utau yajikita kogane dōchū Assistant President Kyūjin ryokō I. George monogatari taiyō no ko Tōkyō sanosa musume Shin kitsune to tanuki Daigaku kazoe uta senpai kōhai Ōwarai Jiro chō ikka: Sanshita nitei kenjū Botchan 誰よりも金を愛す 社長野郎ども Watashi wa uso wa mōshimasen Sararīman monogatari - Taiki bansai 凸凹珍道中 ワンマン今昔物語 Four Hours of Terror Nitōhei monogatari: Shindara kami-sama no maki Nitōhei monogatari: Aa senyū no maki Nitōhei monogatari: Banji yōryō no maki Pfc. Story - Behind the Enemy Lines Song Festival, Full Moon, and the Battle of the Raccoon Dogs Achako's Notebook of Youth 4: Happy Marriage Tokyo Profile Mr. Pu A Country Boss Enchanted Princess Hattari Seinen Shinshi Masura o hashutsu fukai The Princess of Badger Palace Tokyo Omnibus The Acrobats of Death The School Cap Travels of Gonkuro Fireball Magistrate Princess Finds Her Prince Diary of the First Incredible Laughing Trip Marathon Samurai Botchan yarō seizoroi Adventures of Princess Anmitsu