Boris Kotov The Adventures of the Magic Globe or Witch's Tricks Ded Moros I Sery Wolk Story of One Crime Russian Melodies Cinderella State Border: Vol. 3. Eastern Frontier Ilya Muromets (Prologue) The Canterville Ghost A Little Time Machine The Son of the Stone The Wise Gudgeon Little Stomper Film, Film, Film The Fire-Fairy Nothing Scary Your Health! Verify Your Clock There Lived Kozyavin The Girl and the Bear С бору по сосенке Как утёнок-музыкант стал футболистом Magician Bakhram's Heritage The Shareholders Where is the Little Bear? Father Frost and the Summer The Magic Wand Fire Капризная принцесса The Cruel Stepmother Poyga And The Fox There Was A Tram The Tenth Number Winter Quarters of Animals Road Accident A Present for the Weakest Boniface's Holiday Football Stars How It Happened Пилюля On Time Zhikharka Rabbit and Fly How Mushrooms Fought Against Peas The Hour Before the Rendez-vous В гостях у лета Как верблюжонок и ослик в школу ходили Come and Be Our Guest Как мы весну делали The Wings of Uncle Marabou The Stolen Crescent Thank You, Stork! The Crow and the Fox, the Cuckoo and the Rooster A Lesson Not Learned Танюша, Тявка, Топ и Нюша Swans of Nepriadva Tom Thumb Vassilissa Mikulishna Grandmother's Birthday Puss in Boots Uncle Stepa is a Policeman Hunter and His Son Man in the Frame New Big Troubles The Adventures of Full Stop and Comma Rejuvenating Apples Prometheus