Ivan Ivanov-Vano Our Cinema Miracle Factory. Animation Director The Tale of Tsar Saltan The Magic Lake The Twelve Months Seasons Seasons Animated Soviet Propaganda The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights The Tale of Tsar Saltan The Battle of Kerzhenets The Battle of Kerzhenets Go There, Don't Know Where Wash-'em-Clean Geese-Swans Geese-Swans The Adventures of Buratino Someone Else's Voice The Humpbacked Horse Seasons The Snow Maiden Black and White The Hunchedback Horse Journal of Political Satire No. 2 Fascist Boots Shall Not Trample Our Motherland The Three Musketeers Senka the African The Cock and Boyar The Magic Lake Left-Hander Ave Maria Cat Catovich The Snow Maiden Once Upon a Time A Brave Hare A Brave Hare Wash-’em-Clean Ivas A Winter Tale A Winter Tale Liar Liar The Legend of the Cruel Giant The Legend of the Cruel Giant The Flying Proletarian The Three Musketeers The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights The Tale of Tsar Saltan How One Peasant Fed Two Generals How One Peasant Fed Two Generals Wash-'em-Clean The Stolen Sun Wash-’em-Clean The Stolen Sun Masters of Russian Animation - Volume 2 Masters of Russian Animation - Volume 2 The Magic Lake Left-Hander The Boy and The Bird Стрекоза и муравей Father Frost and the Summer Tsar Durandai Senka the African Crossroads Telephone Fascist Boots Shall Not Trample Our Motherland The Ice Rink The Forest Concert