Tomo'o Nagai 3,000 Kilometer Trap The Wild Sea Jiken kisha: Kenjû kashimasu 事件記者 影なき侵入者 Fall of the Shogun's Militia The Scarlet Camellia Facing to the Clouds Japan Organized Crime Boss The Thick-Walled Room Messengers to Satsuma Hiroba no kōdoku Yukiko Ten Dark Women Ai to shi no katami Sekai ni michi ga aru kagiri Ikiru Play It Cool Blood Type: Blue Black River Silence Smashing the 0-Line JA750 Gōki Yukuefumei Solar Eclipse Have Wings on Your Heart Secret Agreement: Ministry of Foreign Affairs Secret Leak Incident トップ屋を殺せ The Spy The Time of Reckoning The Day the Sun Rose Shishun no izumi Sing, Young People Beyond the Seasonal Wind Three Faces of Love August without Emperor Shinobi no Mono 2: Vengeance To Trap a Kidnapper The Seasons of Love Patterns of Love Man on a False Flight King of the Highway Men in a Rough Town Mist and Shadows The Shrikes Diary of a Mad Old Man Pressure of Guilt The Lowest Man Tale of Japanese Burglars Love Stopped the Runaway Train The Love of the Actress Sumako Stepbrothers Flower and Dragon: Duel of the Sea Caves The Corporation Mekishiko mushuku Ten Duels of Young Shingo: Chapter 1 Typhoon The Burdened Sisters The Hill is Full of Flowers Lucky Dragon No. 5 Kaze to Ki to Sora to Shōjo 誰もが信じられない! 悲劇の将軍 山下奉文 Kemono Michi