Wiktor Zborowski With Fire and Sword The Deserters Deserter's Gold Polish Cuisine The End of the World, or Egg Nogg 4 The Secret of Marabou's Code Dzień Wisły Topsy Turvy, or Egg Nogg 2 The Contract Lesser Evil Special Mission Father, Son & Holy Cow Woman in a Hat Art of Loving Capital, or How to Make Money in Poland A Bachelor's Life Abroad Baby Boom, or Egg Nogg 5 Goodbye Rockefeller Miłość z listy przebojów And the Violins Stopped Playing Jam Session Esterhazy O dwóch takich, co nic nie ukradli Eccentrics, the Sunny Side of the Street The Rite of Passage Dziadku, wiejemy! Dawn Off We Go Bird Talk The Silent Touch Spoor Saved by a Miracle Mishmash, or Egg Nogg 3 The Old Fairy Tale: When the Sun Was God Teddy Bear Richie Axiliad War of Love Egg Nogg Och, Karol 2 Koniec świata u Nowaków Lawyer Porada 4 Alternative Street 1983 Kryminalni Kuchnia polska The Chairman's Ear Daleko od noszy With Fire and Sword Anioł Stróż Żubr Pompik Servant of the People The In-laws Agentki Mała matura 1947 Jan Serce