Yûichi Onuma Akiba Nude Nude The Suicide Manual 2: Intermediate Stage Schoolgirl Complex Schoolgirl Complex Shin Usagi Yasei No Touhai Shin Usagi Yasei No Touhai 仲根かすみ「夏を探して…」 Virgin Wandering House of the Ghosts ~Kanako Inuki's World of Fear~ Saki Peeping Tom Urban Spirit Legend: Psychic Factory Urban Spirit Legend: Psychic Factory 麻雀飛龍伝説 天牌 -TENPAI- 無間地獄脱出史 麻雀飛龍伝説 天牌 -TENPAI- 無間地獄脱出史 Kill Devil Urban Spirit Legend: Croionna Urban Spirit Legend: Yuko The Suicide Manual 2: Intermediate Stage Tohai: The Movie Tohai: The Movie Saki Achiga-hen: Episode of Side-A Urban Spirit Legend: Psychic Factory Urban Spirit Legend: Psychic Factory Akiba The Knot Fuzoroi na Himitsu