For Which We Stand: To Be Held In Honor

For Which We Stand: To Be Held In Honor 1950


In this film, servicemen are strongly urged to forgo illicit and casual sex because it is degrading and contrary to divine will. The joys of marriage and family are stressed. Long-term happiness should be the goal, not immediate gratification. A medical officer discusses sexual abstinence, saying that it will not adversely affect a man's virility. A commanding officer points out that sexual promiscuity among troops is not just the concern of the medical officer and the chaplain. He says that self-control should be practiced by everyone. Marriage and family should be the goal of every man. A chaplain speaks of abstinence and self-control as obedience to divine law. Shots include: sailors with their families; a wedding; sailors picking up girls and visiting prostitutes. There is some animation.


V.D. Every 30 Seconds

V.D. Every 30 Seconds 1971


Describes the symptoms of gonorrhea and syphilis, with warnings of the consequences of avoiding treatment. Discusses some of the prevalent myths about contracting these diseases and stresses the importance of consulting a doctor if infection is suspected.


Alcohol Is Dynamite

Alcohol Is Dynamite 1958


A carload of teenagers wants to buy some liquor, but the clerk at the liquor store won't sell them any because they're underage. They stop a pedestrian outside the store and ask if he'll buy them liquor. He proceeds to tell them a story about some teenagers he knew who drank and drove, and the consequences they suffered.


The Dangerous Stranger

The Dangerous Stranger 1971


Presents vignettes explaining the dangers posed by child molesters. Shows various methods that molesters use to win over a child's confidence, how it is wise to be on guard and how to act should these situations ever arise. A 70's remake of a 50's Sid Davis short.



Heroin 1970


This color propaganda ‘scare’ film is about the horrors of the drug heroin. It seems to be reel 1 and is missing its credits and its other reels. It is made circa the late 1960s in England.


Street Corner

Street Corner 1948


Naive small-town girl gets pregnant on her prom night, and winds up in the clutches of the local abortionist. Depending on the release presentation, the movie includes an animation of conception, filmed vaginal and caesarian section births, and a filmed presentation on how syphilis and gonorrhea present themselves.


Deception of a Generation

Deception of a Generation 1984


Cute and seemingly innocent toys are opening your home to the occult. Witchcraft may well have gained an inroad into your family.



LSD-25 1967


The dangers of LSD are driven home to teenagers in this classroom training film, which is "narrated" by an LSD tab. The "tab" tells kids that he is "a depth charge in the mind!" and various teenagers are shwn babbling about their LSD experiences. "Experts" are presented who warn that LSD makes kids "paint themselves green" and has various other horrible side effects, the most serious of which is that it gives users a police record, and that there is "no known way of getting your fingerprints out of a police file once they're in there."


Dead Is Dead

Dead Is Dead 1974


An educational video exploring drug addiction, including footage of real-life addicts going through rehab therapy.


Doorways To Danger

Doorways To Danger 1990


Dabbling in the occult is widespread and often thought of as harmless entertainment. But this video shows why it is dangerous to get involved with spiritism, fortune telling, witchcraft, magic, and Satanism. The program introduces the real life stories of those who have been involved in these activities and shows the way out based upon a Biblical perspective.


The Dangerous Stranger

The Dangerous Stranger 1950


In this film, a police officer tells children about the dangers of accepting rides or presents from strangers, and relates the unfortunate stories of several children who did and were never seen again.