Gene of the Northland

Gene of the Northland 1915


Jeanne La Roche lives alone with her brother in the great northwestern country. Jacques is a ne'er-do-well and has fallen under the suspicion of the mounted police, two of whom are dispatched to arrest him for robbery. The stolen goods are found in his home. Jeanne is too young to be left in their lonely cabin, so she is taken to the post, where the wife of the proprietor welcomes her and gives her a home. Several years later, Donald McLean wins her for his wife. Meantime Jacques escapes from prison, eludes his pursuers and takes refuge in McLean's home.



Richelieu 1914


Based on a play by Edward Bulwer-Lytton. Originally released in six reels, but later cut to four due to poor reviews. A lost film.


The Gratitude of Wanda

The Gratitude of Wanda 1913


An indian girl brings military relief to the besieged cabin because of her gratitude to the white man who befriended her.


The Post Telegrapher

The Post Telegrapher 1912


Bob Evans, a telegraph operator, together with a group of soldiers gets ambushed by Sioux Indians. Wounded, he climbs into a telegraph pole and asks through the telegraph wires for help from the fort. Bob's fiancée Edith comes along with the soldiers. The soldiers find only dead bodies and decide to chase the Indians. Edith stays behind to search for Bob. She finds him and together they return to the fort. The Sioux then attack the fort, but when the situation seems hopeless, the army returns and the Indians are expelled.


War on the Plains

War on the Plains 1912


The emigrants are seen fighting the hordes of redskins. The hero rides to the settlement for help and engages in a thrilling duel with pursuing Indians. The settlers swoop down on the unprotected Indian village and burn it up. The savages seeing the flames, hurry back and fall into an ambush. They are attacked from the rear by the emigrants and from the front by the settlers. In a wild scene of carnage the surprised Indians are mowed down by the hail of bullets, horses and riders falling in tangled masses.


The Cowboy Guardians

The Cowboy Guardians 1912


A pioneer caravan is attacked by Indians, who greatly outnumber the pale faces. The whole party are massacred, with the exception of a year-and-one-half old baby, who being hidden by its mother, escapes detection. Whitey is a big, bashful cowpuncher, who secretly worships at the shrine of the only eligible woman in camp, a buxom widow.


In the Secret Service

In the Secret Service 1913


General Gordon, of the Federal army, receives a message from General Grant, telling him to intercept important dispatches "from Lee to Webber, carried over wires" in Gordon's vicinity. Lieutenant Barrett assumes the task, takes his instruments and sets out. Colonel Webber, of the Confederate army, has a daughter Edith. Lieutenant Fairfax aspires to her hand, but his attentions only annoy her.


The Powder Flash of Death

The Powder Flash of Death 1913


Three pals, Reid, Neilan and Kirkland breast the breakers of their roving life with but one condition of creed, nothing was to come between them to sever or impair the sincerity of their ties of friendship. Regardless of what extremity of life they encountered, they religiously respect their one law of sharing alike; that is, until the fall of Sumter, when the call to arms invaded homes and divided brother against brother.


Hunted Down

Hunted Down 1912


John Dayton is shot by George Willis in a saloon quarrel. The deed is seen by Arline Marsdon, who gives Willis money and a marked timetable, whereby he escapes and goes further west. Mrs. Dayton is determined to bring the murderer to justice and engages the services of Craig Burton, a detective.


The Passing of Hell's Crown

The Passing of Hell's Crown 1916


Hell's Crown, a town where law and order are as scarce as preachers, is ruled by "Chuck" Wells, a former gun man. He has a dupe in Blaze, the terror of the town, and holds him by keeping him well supplied with money. A sheriff is appointed at Carson City on account of the horse rustlers.


In Love and War

In Love and War 1913


Despite being disqualified for war service, a young man volunteers as a war correspondent and ends up performing heroically at the front anyway.


The Guerilla Menace

The Guerilla Menace 1913


In the hills of Dixie live Jed and Sue, a country lad and lass, who are very much in love with each other. The keeper of the wayside tavern is an unscrupulous fellow who has coveted Sue for some time. He makes advances to Sue, but Jed, who suspects the man, warns him to keep away and not molest her.


The Wedding Guest

The Wedding Guest 1916


The sheriff of the county is elected by men who call him the "squarest sheriff alive." Panchita Garcia, the flower of the town, loved by all, leaves home for a walk, passing through the town, where all the cowboys come out to meet her. "Bad" Pedro, a native, sees her and follows. He overtakes her and tries to kiss her. The sheriff, who has been passing by and has given Pedro's wife money to buy food for the starving children, hears her and runs to her assistance.


The Indian Raiders

The Indian Raiders 1912


The Thomas family are the owners of a large horse ranch, on the borders of New Mexico. A neighboring band of Apaches, under the famous Geronimo, had for several years been at peace, consequently the Thomas ranch was in a flourishing condition. Tom, the foreman, and Jerry, one of his trusted lieutenants, are rivals for the hand of Jess, the ranch owner's daughter.


The Oubliette

The Oubliette 1914


Francois Villon, vagabond, poet and philosopher, and his friend Colin, leave the vagabond camp and start for Paris. En route to that city, Villon's heart is touched at sight of the eviction of an elderly couple from their poor home. Whereupon he empties his own and Colin's purse, pays the Beadle, and then resume their journey. Overcome with the pangs of hunger, they "lift " the purses of a couple of corpulent monks. For this breach of law both Villon and Colin are arrested and thrown into prison. This film and By the Sun's Rays are two of Chaney's earliest surviving films.


The Forbidden Room

The Forbidden Room 1914


Fulfilling a promise made to his mother on her deathbed, Dr. James Gibson finds his sister Pauline who has run away after giving birth to an illegitimate child. His sister's mind has snapped and Gibson takes his sister and his baby niece home with him. The years pass and the niece has grown into a beautiful woman, while her mother is kept locked in a room that the young woman is forbidden to enter. Gibson and his wealthy neighbor, John Morris, are both interested in hypnotism, and one night the two men conduct an experiment by hypnotizing Gibson's niece. This film is presumed lost.


The Werewolf

The Werewolf 1913


An old Indian legend tells of the supposed ability of persons who have been turned into wolves through magic power to assume human form at will for purposes of vengeance. This film is presumed lost.