Billy Blair Candy Land Doc Holliday Corsicana One Day as a Lion A Christmas Heist Μη μου Χαλάς τη Μέρα Bull Shark What Josiah Saw Operation Overlord The Possessed Pot Zombies 2: More Pot, Less Plot Don't Tell Larry Devotion The Cain Complex Bigfoot Wars Dracula's War Balls Out Machete: Η Επιστροφή Machete Αμαρτωλή πόλη: Η κυρία θέλει φόνο Jonah Hex Cruzado Blood Dried Hands Bull Shark 2 Bull Shark 3 Little Dixie Nocturna Blood Sombrero Great Plains The Veil Dead Awake Mongolian Death Worm Apocalypse Road 3 από την Κόλαση Sugar Ray Dogs: Mexi-Cola Αλίτα: Ο Άγγελος της Μάχης Cherokee Creek Infamous Midnight Devils The Rodeo Thief Dr. Gift Strix Copper Bill Buckskin Whitetail Red Stone Cherokee Creek The Chosen Μαγκάιβερ The Gifted Reprisal