Rebecca Staab The Santa Stakeout Safe Harbour The Fantastic Four Christmas in Tahoe Cut, Color, Murder Stray Bullet Doomed! The Untold Story of Roger Corman's The Fantastic Four Surge of Power: Revenge of the Sequel Love Potion No. 9 A Perfect Ending T.N.T. Love at First Hiccup A House on a Hill The New Age Κυνηγώντας τη Γυναίκα της Ζωής μου Quiet Days in Hollywood The Irresistible Blueberry Farm Northbound Moonlight in Vermont Coming Home for Christmas Breakthrough The Miracle Season Road to Christmas Mingle All the Way Christmas Bells Are Ringing Chronicle Mysteries: Recovered Chronicle Mysteries: Vines that Bind The Substitute 3: Winner Takes All Chronicle Mysteries: The Deep End A Christmas Miracle Christmas by Starlight Love Hard Chronicle Mysteries: Helped to Death Κολόμπο Seinfeld Στον Τόπο του Εγκλήματος Χτυποκάρδια στο Μπέβερλι Χιλς Μάτλοκ Las Vegas CSI: Νέα Υόρκη Nip/Tuck Τσακ Νόρις: Στην υπηρεσία του νόμου Dharma & Greg Criminal Minds Mancuso, F.B.I. Diagnosis: Murder The Wonder Years The Mentalist Chicago Hope The Cleaner Love & War Live Shot P.S. I Luv U Hardball Νυχτερινός Πράκτορας The Hat Squad Diagnosis: Murder Martial Law Dexter Superman & Lois Η Οχιά της Ασφάλτου One West Waikiki Κάπου Ενδιάμεσα Masters of Sex Hard Time on Planet Earth Ομάδα N.C.I.S. Glee Pacific Station Bob Cheers Ellen The Drew Carey Show Renegade: Ο κυνηγός του εγκλήματος Pacific Blue Superman & Lois Miss USA