Kurt Neumann Action in the North Atlantic Above Suspicion Dracula's Daughter Η Μύγα Η Μύγα Η Επιστροφή του Βαμπίρ Kronos Carnival Story Mannequins für Rio Mannequins für Rio Mannequins für Rio The Ring Rocketship X-M Rocketship X-M Rocketship X-M The Kid from Texas The Stranger Who Looks Like Me Ο Ταρζάν ο Εκδικητής Ellery Queen, Master Detective Tarzan and the She-Devil The Deerslayer The Deerslayer Machete Ο Ταρζάν η Λεοπάρδαλις Ο Ταρζάν οι Αμαζόνες Brooklyn Orchid The Deerslayer The Unknown Guest About Face Cattle Drive She Devil She Devil She Devil Secret of the Blue Room Watusi Let's Sing Again Taxi, Mister The McGuerins from Brooklyn Island of Lost Men Counterplot Espionage Bad Men of Tombstone Trapped Sealed Lips Trapped The Red Shadow Fall In Hiawatha Make a Wish Wide Open Faces Rummelplatz der Liebe The Dude Goes West Wake Up and Dream House of Mystery Touchdown, Army The Affair of Susan Yanks Ahoy My Pal, the King Drei vom Varieté Bad Boy Enter Laughing Stern von Rio Mohawk Alias Mary Dow King for a Night Ο Ταρζάν στην Έρημο Ο Ταρζάν οι Αμαζόνες Ο Ταρζάν η Λεοπάρδαλις Ο Μυστικοσύμβουλος του Κυρίου Προέδρου Kronos Rainbow on the River Machete Machete Unmarried Carnival Story Ambush Hold 'Em Navy The Big Cage Rummelplatz der Liebe 99 and 44/100% Dead All Women Have Secrets Apache Warrior Apache Warrior The Desperados Are in Town The Desperados Are in Town Ο Γιος Του Αλή Μπαμπά The Desperados Are in Town Fast Companions Ο Ταρζάν ο Εκδικητής Regina Amstetten Violets in Spring Reunion in Reno Let's Talk It Over Half a Sinner A Night at Earl Carroll's The Brotherhood of the Bell Fear on Trial