Ralph Rosenblum Fail Safe Stuck on You! Νευρικός Εραστής The Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg Αυτοί οι Τρελοί Τρελοί Παραγωγοί Mad Dog Coll Μπανάνες Ο Ενεχυροδανειστής Pie in the Sky Ο Υπναράς Ο ειρηνοποιός Bad Company Interiors Acting Out Acting Out The Great Bank Hoax The Love Song of Barney Kempinski The Love Song of Barney Kempinski Gone Are the Days! Louisiana Story A Christmas Memory The Group The Night They Raided Minsky's Lovin' Molly The Greatest Man in the World Μπανάνες Bernice Bobs Her Hair A Thousand Clowns A Thousand Clowns Ζητείται Εγκέφαλος για Ληστεία A Great Big Thing Bach to Bach Summer Solstice Amy and the Angel Any Friend of Nicholas Nickleby Is a Friend of Mine Don't Drink the Water Born to Win North Star: Mark di Suvero A Space to Grow Murder, Inc. Goodbye, Columbus Long Day's Journey Into Night Pretty Boy Floyd Something For Everyone Ο Υπναράς Ζητείται Εγκέφαλος για Ληστεία The Party at Kitty and Stud's Trilogy Jacktown Prima Veras saga om Olav den Hellige Mr. Lincoln