Marius Goring Έξοδος Nachts auf den Straßen The Case of the Frightened Lady The Barefoot Contessa Ζήτημα Ζωής και Θανάτου Το κορίτσι με τη μοτοσυκλέτα The Man Who Watched Trains Go By Edward & Mrs. Simpson Η Πανδώρα και ο Ιπτάμενος Ολλανδός A Walk in the Sea Circle of Danger Odette Τα Κόκκινα Παπούτσια Das Leben von Adolf Hitler Η απαγωγή του Στρατηγού Κράιπε Ο Μαύρος Κατάσκοπος Quentin Durward I Was Monty's Double Highly Dangerous Rough Shoot Πάρε μου την Ζωή μου The Inspector The Crooked Road Beyond the Curtain The Treasure of San Teresa Whirlpool Erste Liebe Mr. Perrin and Mr. Traill Break in the Circle Pastor Hall So Little Time Flying Fifty-Five The Moonraker La Petite Fille en velours bleu Zeppelin The Devil's Agent The Unstoppable Man The Amateur Gentleman Son of Robin Hood Dead Men Tell No Tales Rx Murder The Angry Hills Kill or be Killed The Night Invader Strike It Rich The Big Blockade Up from the Beach The Truth About Women The Magic Box Desert Mice Cymbeline Der Monat der fallenden Blätter Das Geheimnis der gelben Narzissen Doctor Who: The Evil of the Daleks Night Boat to Dublin Rembrandt Asmodée The Secret Thread La Vingt-cinquième Heure Ein Idealer Gatte Subterfuge Box for One The Bear Consider Your Verdict The Mirror and Markheim Gaslicht Many Mansions The Magic Carpet The Late Nancy Irving Tonight in Britain Doctor Who Tales of the Unexpected The Expert Edward and Mrs Simpson Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., Presents The Year of the French Wilde Alliance Βραδιά Σαίξπηρ Βραδιά Σαίξπηρ Thirteen Against Fate Out of the Unknown The Mask of Janus House of Caradus Βραδιά Σαίξπηρ Βραδιά Σαίξπηρ The Revenue Men Βραδιά Σαίξπηρ Βραδιά Σαίξπηρ Βραδιά Σαίξπηρ Βραδιά Σαίξπηρ Levkas Man Fall of Eagles Les Dossiers de l'Agence O First Night International Detective Sunday-Night Play Sunday-Night Play Sunday-Night Play The BBC Television Shakespeare Sunday-Night Play Man in a Suitcase The Third Man Lilli Palmer Theatre Lilli Palmer Theatre 24-Hour Call ITV Play of the Week ITV Play of the Week Love Story Drama 61-67 Drama 61-67 ITV Play of the Week ITV Play of the Week ITV Play of the Week Hammer House of Mystery and Suspense The Great War The Adventures of the Scarlet Pimpernel Maigret Thirty-Minute Theatre Hammer House of Horror The Old Men at the Zoo The Wednesday Play Holocaust Omnibus The Wednesday Play The Wednesday Play The Wednesday Play The Wednesday Play