David Mendoza Hollywood's Musical Moods Home Run on the Keys The Big Parade Μπεν Χουρ The Mad Genius The Song of the Flame Shake, Mr. Shakespeare Hotel a la Swing Glorious Betsy The Mad Genius God's Gift to Women The Student Prince in Old Heidelberg Gold Dust Gertie Svengali My Past Alibi Mark Smart Money Alexander Hamilton Night Intruder Toyland Casino Alexander Hamilton La Bohème Don Juan Mothers Cry Oh, Sailor, Behave! The Lash Madame DuBarry Father's Son Double or Nothing Camille Disraeli Children of Dreams Broadway Ballyhoo Kiss Me Again The Girl of the Golden West Ups and Downs The Ruling Voice Hail Columbia One for the Book Ο Εχθρός της Κοινωνίας Frances Carroll & 'The Coquettes' No Contest! Chances Chances Home Run on the Keys Ο Άρχων του Εγκλήματος The Bargain The Backyard Broadcast The Knight Is Young The Policy Girl