Albert E. Smith A Vitagraph Romance The Congress of Nations Conscience A Pair of Kings 'Columbia' Winning the Cup Astor Battery on Parade Raising Old Glory Over Morro Castle Hidden Dangers The Woman in the Web The Woman in the Web Panorama of Wreckage of Water Front Bird's-Eye View of Dock Front, Galveston Launching a Stranded Schooner from the Docks Panorama of Galveston Power House Panoramic View of Tremont Hotel, Galveston Panorama of Orphans' Home, Galveston Maude's Naughty Little Brother The Clown and the Alchemist The Congress of Nations Hooligan Assists the Magician Mysterious Cafe, or Mr. and Mrs. Spoopendyke Have Troubles with a Waiter Firemen Rescuing Men and Women Searching Ruins on Broadway, Galveston, for Dead Bodies Leaping Dogs at Gentry's Circus Panoramic View of Boston Subway from an Electric Car Perils of Thunder Mountain The Silent Avenger The Sawmill The Bell Hop The Cavalier's Dream The Burglar on the Roof Captain Blood The Haunted Hotel The Enchanted Drawing A Visit to the Spiritualist My Wild Irish Rose His Home Sweet Home Scamps and Scandals The Midnight Cabaret A Little Ouija Work Over the Top Over the Top Humpty Dumpty Circus "Shamrock" and "Erin" Sailing Smashing Barriers A Rogue's Romance The Decorator The Backyard Jeffries Throwing the Medicine Ball Panorama of East Galveston Children Bathing The Despatch Bearer; or, Through the Enemy's Lines Bears and Bad Men The Enchanted Drawing The Rent Collector The Show The Bakery The Fall Guy The Stage Hand Borrowed Husbands Squeaks and Squawks Dead Men Tell No Tales Dead Men Tell No Tales A Nymph of the Foothills Divorce Coupons The Common Cause The Heights of Hazard The Clutch of Circumstance The Purple Cipher What's Your Reputation Worth? What's Your Reputation Worth? The Messenger The Rent Dodgers Sauce and Senoritas