Max Morrow The Christmas Shoes Maurice Sendak's Little Bear: The Movie Ποιος Άι-Βασίλης; The Brady Bunch in the White House One Kill The Christmas Blessing Jewel Goose on the Loose Sister Mary Explains It All Jacob Two Two Meets the Hooded Fang Αραράτ The Russell Girl The Perfect Pickup Mutant X: Ερωτευμένη Με Τον Εχθρό Της Ντετέκτιβ Μονκ Veritas: The Quest Twice in a Lifetime Timothy Goes to School Noddy Connor Undercover Rookie Blue Twice in a Lifetime St. Urbain's Horseman Ντετέκτιβ Μέρντοχ Warehouse 13 Republic of Doyle Shattered City: The Halifax Explosion