
Поводир 2014


Στη Σοβιετική Ουκρανία της δεκαετίας του 1930, ο Αμερικανός μηχανικός Μάικλ Σάμροκ φτάνει στο Χάρκοβο με τον δεκάχρονο γιο του Πίτερ, για να βοηθήσει κι αυτός με τη σειρά του στην οικοδόμηση του σοσιαλιστικού ονείρου. Ερωτεύεται μια ντίβα του τοπικού θεάτρου, της οποίας όμως λάτρης είναι κι ένας ντόπιος κομισάριος. Όταν ο Μάικλ Σέμροκ δολοφονείται, ο γιος του βρίσκεται μόνος και κυνηγημένος, σώζεται από έναν τυφλό λαϊκό βάρδο, Κομπζάρ όπως ονομάζονται αυτοί οι τραγουδιστές στα Ουκρανικά κι ένα απίστευτο ταξίδι μέσα σε αντιξοότητες και κακουχίες ξεκινά.



Flash 2020


A series about the evolution of various spheres of Ukrainian culture and its modern heroes. This is the result of 100+ interviews and stories about how whole layers of culture were created in Ukraine. It is an attempt to capture the outbreak that is happening today and that we are waiting for tomorrow, to understand the strengths and weaknesses, identify trends and find answers to questions that concern. Each episode reveals an important topic: from the phenomenon of Ukrainian pop music and clipmaking to movies, comedy, street art and local clothing brands.


Secrets of Great Ukrainians

Secrets of Great Ukrainians 2021


Modern historical and documentary series of investigations and research dedicated to famous figures of national history. The creators of the project involved about 150 experts from Ukraine and the world, traveled to 9 countries and found interesting facts that now allow us to rediscover history. In the 8-episode project you will learn more about the lives of Simon Petliura, Andrei Sheptytsky, Mykhailo Hrushevsky, Danylo Halytsky, Roksolana, Bohdan Khmelnytsky, Ivan Mazepa and Anna Kyivska.


Chervonian Renaissance

Chervonian Renaissance 2004


During the period of the 20-30s of the twentieth century, Ukrainian culture experienced its formation, flourishing and tragic finale. The three-part documentary tells about the shares of Vladimir Sosyura, Pavel Ticini, Nikolai Fitilev, Les Kurbas, Nikolai Kulish, Mikhail Boychuk and Alexander Dovzhenko. The film uses a chronicle of that time, the authors visited the places where the events of this dark era for Ukraine unfolded, and in numerous museums that have preserved materials, papers and evidence of those years.