Στα Όρια: Η Επιστήμη πίσω από τη Σειρά "Ο Πλανήτης μας" 2021
Ο Ντέιβιντ Ατένμπορο κι ο επιστήμονας Γιόχαν Ρόκστρεμ ερευνούν τη βιοποικιλότητα της Γης που καταρρέει και το πώς μπορεί ακόμα να αποφευχθεί αυτή η κρίση.
Ο Ντέιβιντ Ατένμπορο κι ο επιστήμονας Γιόχαν Ρόκστρεμ ερευνούν τη βιοποικιλότητα της Γης που καταρρέει και το πώς μπορεί ακόμα να αποφευχθεί αυτή η κρίση.
Βυθιστείτε στα μεγαλύτερα μυστήρια του πλανήτη μας με μια ομάδα διεθνών υποβρυχίων κινηματογραφιστών καθώς εξερευνούν τον συναρπαστικό δεσμό μεταξύ της ανθρωπότητας και του ωκεανού.
There is nowhere more powerful and unforgiving yet more beautiful and compelling than the ocean. Join us and explore the greatest yet least known parts of our planet.
Sir David Attenborough narrates this critically acclaimed series that dives deep into the marine environment of Planet Earth. Although two-thirds of the world's surface is covered with water, scientists know less about the oceans than they do about the surface of the moon. This limited series travels from various coasts to the poles to examine watery denizens ranging from the gigantic blue whale to microscopic coral polyps.
Discover the stories beneath the surface of the water in this stunning nature documentary series, which explores each of the Earth's five oceans.
Go deep beneath the waves – on a spy mission to the depths of the ocean. Amazing hidden cameras give incredible perspectives on the ingenious creatures that call it home.
A four-part documentary series on ocean life around the world.
Marine wildlife programme. As part of Big Blue Week, Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall and a team of marine enthusiasts follow the animals arriving and thriving in UK waters.
Oceans is an eight-part series on BBC Two, which seeks to provide a better understanding of the state of the Earth's oceans today, their role in the past, present and future and their significance in global terms. Paul Rose also documents some of the scientific observations his team made as a feature for BBC News.