Αντιρρησίας Συνείδησης

Αντιρρησίας Συνείδησης 2016


Η αληθινή ιστορία του νοσηλευτή στρατιώτη Ντέσμοντ Τ. Ντος, ενός ευσυνείδητου παρατηρητή του πολέμου, που αρνούνταν να πιάσει όπλο, κι όμως παρασημοφορήθηκε από τον πρόεδρο Τρούμαν για τη διάσωση των ζωών 75 συμπολεμιστών του υπό διαρκή καταιγισμό πυρών σε μια από τις βιαιότερες μάχες του Β` Παγκοσμίου Πολέμου, στη νήσο Οκινουάουα.


Το Ρίσκο

Το Ρίσκο 1995


Ένας βετεράνος του Βιετνάμ επιστρέφει από τον πόλεμο για να καταλήξει στην παρανομία. Με τη βοήθεια ενός πρώην συμπολεμιστή του, σχεδιάζουν να διαπράξουν την τέλεια ληστεία.


Under Pressure

Under Pressure 2017


Inside a chaotic emergency room in Rio de Janeiro, a team of doctors are torn between their internal personal conflicts, the difficulties of the profession and the surprising dramas behind each patient‘s history, in a heroic attempt to save lives...See more


Have a Crush On You

Have a Crush On You 2023


Ruan Liuzheng returns to her hometown after seven years, and becomes a neurosurgeon at Beiya Hospital. However, she didn't expect to meet her ex-husband, Ning Zhiqian, who is the most experienced neurosurgeon. Ruan Liuzheng is no longer the weak and timid girl, and she shows resolute and determination in both her work and relationship. When they were in Africa to execute medical relief efforts, Ning Zhiqian was injured in a gunshot. Ruan Liuzheng didn't leave his side, and fought hard to save him from the brink of death. The two have gained a new understanding of life, and begun a new relationship again.


68 Whiskey

68 Whiskey 2020


A dark comedy following a multicultural mix of men and women deployed as Army medics to a forward operating base in Afghanistan nicknamed “The Orphanage.” Together, they endure a dangerous and Kafkaesque world that leads to self-destructive appetites, outrageous behavior, intense camaraderie and occasionally, a profound sense of purpose.



Medics 2012


Medics, also known under the original title Lekarze, is a Polish medical drama which premiered on 3 September 2012 on TVN.