Alan Clarke Bukovsky Director: Alan Clarke Alan Clarke: Out of His Own Light Made in Britain Abschaum - Höllenloch der Gewalt! Elephant The Firm Rita, Sue... und Bob dazu Scum Baal Penda's Fen Road Billy the Kid and the Green Baize Vampire Christine Contact Beloved Enemy Fast Hands Diane Diane To Encourage the Others Under the Age The Hallelujah Handshake The Last Train Through Harecastle Tunnel A Follower for Emily Sovereign's Company Funny Farm Nina Psy-Warriors Danton's Death Shelter Horace The Gentleman Caller George's Room Goodnight Albert The Fifty-Seventh Saturday Thief Stella Stand by Your Screen The Love-Girl and the Innocent Brief Encounters The British Desk Stars of the Roller State Disco Vodka Cola The Comic Vodka Cola The Piano Tuner Achilles Heel Sally Go Round the Moon A Life Is Forever Bukovsky Bukovsky I Can't See My Little Willie Everybody Say Cheese Man Above Men Horatio Bottomley Danton's Death Christine A Man Inside Which of These Two Ladies Is He Married To? Nothing's Ever Over Got Yourself Sorted Out at All? Never Mind How We Got Here, Where Are We? Gareth The Love-Girl and the Innocent The Ladies: Doreen The Ladies: Joan