Bob Peck Herr der Fliegen Der Mann der 1000 Wunder Slipstream Waiting at the Field Gate A Performance of Macbeth An Ungentlemanly Act Shoot the Revolution The Making of 'Jurassic Park' The Black Velvet Gown The Scold's Bridle After Pilkington Children Crossing Carlo Levi Stopped Here The Merchant of Venice Aufstand in Kenia Fräulein Smillas Gespür für Schnee Hard Times Ladder of Swords Fremde Wesen - Zauber der Elfen The Three Sisters Who Bombed Birmingham? A TV Dante Natural Lies One Way Out Jurassic Park Seasick In Time's Shadow The War That Never Ends The Disputation Die Abenteuer des jungen Indiana Jones: Von Istanbul nach Transsilvanien Sunset Across the Bay Hospital! Royal Flash Der Opiumkrieg Parker In Lambeth Mein Mann Picasso Bavarian Night A TV Dante (Cantos 9 to 14) On the Black Hill Jim Hensons Geschichten Die Kinder des Drachen Play for Today Am Rande der Finsternis The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby Centrepoint Forget Me Not Farm The Scold's Bridle Hard Times