Frank Sully Früchte des Zorns Theodora Goes Wild Bye Bye Birdie Meine Schwester Ellen Stadt der Verdammten Rainbow 'Round My Shoulder Thousands Cheer Blondie's Hero Mit einem Lied im Herzen Pardon My Backfire A Close Call for Boston Blackie Boston Blackie's Rendezvous Boston Blackie and the Law Boston Blackie's Chinese Venture Boston Blackie Booked on Suspicion Trapped by Boston Blackie Nice Girl? Talk About a Lady Mein Schatz ist ein Matrose Secret Command Der Vagabund von Texas Bad for Each Other Crime Doctor's Man Hunt Young People The Phantom Thief Pitchin' in the Kitchen The Night of Nights No Room for the Groom Fling in the Ring Night Stage to Galveston Trapped Some Like It Hot Frontier Gambler A Girl, a Guy, and a Gob Inside the Law Apache Ambush Häuptling Schwarzer Pfeil Gehaßt, gejagt, gefürchtet Hold That Co-ed Agenten der Nacht There's Something About a Soldier Immer mehr, immer fröhlicher Let's Go Collegiate A Merry Mix-Up Cross-Country Romance One Way to Love Let No Man Write My Epitaph Bachelor Daze Private Nurse The Doctor Takes a Wife Radio Patrol Youth Takes a Fling They Gave Him a Gun Live, Love and Learn Sorority House The Daring Young Man I Love a Bandleader Dangerous Business Start Cheering The Great Man Votes Mann im Sattel Caravan Noch ein dünner Mann Second Fiddle Gypsy - Königin der Nacht Herrscher des Dschungels Battle of Rogue River Spies and Guys Blinde Wut Spring Parade Einer gegen fünf Das letzte Hurra Ein Geschenk des Himmels Throw a Saddle on a Star Parachute Nurse Laugh Your Blues Away The Fighting 69th Life Begins in College The Good Humor Man Pat und Mike Ain't It Aggravatin' Power of the Press The Ghost That Walks Alone Manuel Gun Smugglers Rache für Jesse James Lockende Versuchung Die rote Tapferkeitsmedaille White Bondage Unterweltstragödie Lillian Russell Im Taumel der Weltstadt Castle on the Hudson Dr. Kildare – Verhängnisvolle Diagnose He Stayed for Breakfast Two Yanks in Trinidad Women Without Names Murder at the Vanities Rhythm on the Range Good Luck, Mr. Yates Lucky Legs Out of the Depths Escape to Glory Rockabilly Baby Northern Patrol The Desperados Are in Town Beauty on Parade Last of the Desperados Das Raubtier ist los! Golden Hoofs The Buckskin Lady Dangerous Blondes She Knew All the Answers Rauhe Ernte Sleepytime Gal The Romance Of Robert Burns Joe Palooka in the Counterpunch Rings on Her Fingers Young Man with Ideas Verschwörung im Nachtexpress Geheimbund Schwarze Legion Murder in Times Square A Fool and His Honey The Gentleman Misbehaves Daughter of Shanghai A Man's World It's Great to Be Young Rhubarb One Dangerous Night So You Want to Be Pretty Joe Palooka Meets Humphrey Joe Palooka in Humphrey Takes a Chance Blondie's Reward Ohne Liebe geht es nicht The Female Animal Nackte Straßen Revolte im Frauenzuchthaus Let's Make It Legal The Boogie Man Will Get You Gentle Julia Criminals of the Air Männer, die in Stiefeln sterben Blunder Boys The Beverly Hillbillies I Love Lucy Polizeibericht Perry Mason Johnny Staccato The Tall Man Erwachsen müßte man sein Alfred Hitchcock präsentiert Die Leute von der Shiloh-Ranch Schlitz Playhouse of Stars Dezernat M The 20th Century Fox Hour Rin Tin Tin The Adventures of Wild Bill Hickok Navy Log Josh Westlich von Santa Fé Hey, Jeannie! Gang Busters Mr. & Mrs. North Maverick Hey, Jeannie! Die Leute von der Shiloh-Ranch Alfred Hitchcock präsentiert Screen Director's Playhouse