Ginger Rogers Die 42. Straße Ich tanz' mich in dein Herz hinein Swing Time I'll Be Seeing You Wir sind gar nicht verheiratet Liebling, ich werde jünger Goldgräber von 1933 Tanz mit mir Hollywood on Parade No. A-1 Roberta A Shriek in the Night Cinderella Vivacious Lady Sechs Schicksale Flying Down to Rio Marine gegen Liebeskummer Tanz mit mir Der Gefangene des Ku-Klux-Klan Die Findelmutter Sorgenfrei durch Dr. Flagg Tänzer vom Broadway Heartbeat Es waren einmal Flitterwochen Bühneneingang Die Spinne Fifth Avenue Girl Having Wonderful Time Der Major und das Mädchen The Story of Vernon and Irene Castle Primrose Path Star of Midnight Perfect Strangers It Had to Be You Roxie Hart In die Enge getrieben Moderne Jugend The Thirteenth Guest Dreamboat Tom, Dick und Harry Weekend im Waldorf Fräulein Kitty Tender Comrade Beautiful Stranger Träume einer Frau The Groom Wore Spurs Oh, Men! Oh, Women! Hollywood: The Dream Factory Twenty Million Sweethearts Rafter Romance Happy Birthday, Bob: 50 Stars Salute Your 50 Years with NBC Chance at Heaven The Tip-Off Die pikanten Jahre einer Frau Glückspilze The Tenderfoot Honor Among Lovers Don't Bet on Love Lerne lieben ohne zu weinen Sitting Pretty The First Traveling Saleslady Office Blues Novak liebt Amerika Finishing School Queen High Upperworld Young Man of Manhattan Carnival Boat Suicide Fleet Die wunderbare Puppe Professional Sweetheart Broadway Bad Change of Heart Follow the Leader Badenixe Going Hollywood: The '30s The Sap from Syracuse Hat Check Girl In Full Swing "All -Singing All-Dancing" Before And After Heirate mich, Gauner! Hollywood on Parade Das gibt's nie wieder The Purple Rose of Cairo Night of 100 Stars II Hollywood Newsreel Gold Diggers: FDR'S New Deal... Broadway Bound Busby Berkeley: A Journey with a Star That's Entertainment! III Brother, Can You Spare a Dime? A Night in a Dormitory Die Welt der Jean Harlow Show-Business at War Complicated Women That's Entertainment, Part II Astaire and Rogers: Partners in Rhythm James Stewart: A Wonderful Life George Stevens: A Filmmaker's Journey George White's Scandals 1939: Hollywood's Greatest Year And the Oscar Goes To... That's Dancing! Screen Snapshots: Series 16, No. 12 A Day of a Man of Affairs Campus Sweethearts Fred Astaire gibt den Ton an Reunited at MGM: Astaire and Rogers Together Again Astaire and Rogers Sing the Great American Songbook Sem Título #1: Dance of Leitfossil Night of 100 Stars Hollywood Singing and Dancing: A Musical History - The 1930s: Dancing Away the Great Depression Hooray for Hollywood Happy 100th Birthday, Hollywood Hidden Hollywood II: More Treasures from the 20th Century Fox Vaults Here's Lucy The Merv Griffin Show Glitter The Hollywood Palace The Dinah Shore Chevy Show Vacation Playhouse Oscar Verleihung The DuPont Show with June Allyson The Kennedy Center Honors The Mike Douglas Show Tony Awards Talking Pictures The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson Burt Reynolds' Conversations with... The Ed Sullivan Show The Jack Benny Program The American Film Institute Salute to ... The Steve Allen Show The Steve Allen Show The Hollywood Palace Love Boat What's My Line? Hotel What's My Line? Star Life The Dick Cavett Show The RKO Story: Tales From Hollywood The Dean Martin Celebrity Roasts Great Performances Best of The Dean Martin Variety Show