Dan Curtis Imaginary Witness: Hollywood and the Holocaust Die Geschichte des Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde Frankenstein The Night Strangler The Night Strangler Landhaus der toten Seelen Landhaus der toten Seelen Landhaus der toten Seelen Our Fathers The Night Stalker Trilogy of Terror II Trilogy of Terror II Trilogy of Terror The Norliss Tapes Das Schloß der verlorenen Seelen Das Schloß der verlorenen Seelen Das Schloß der Vampire Curse of the Black Widow Mit der Nacht kommt der Tod Der Liebesbrief Dracula Dead of Night: A Darkness at Blaisedon Dem Bösen widerstehen Die Gangsterschlacht von Kansas City Scream of the Wolf The Great Ice Rip-Off Die Story von Gun-Kelly The Norliss Tapes Mein Freund, der Entführer Scream of the Wolf Die Story von Gun-Kelly St. John in Exile Der Liebesbrief When Every Day Was the Fourth of July When Every Day Was the Fourth of July Mrs. R's Daughter Mrs. R's Daughter Die Gangsterschlacht von Kansas City Das Schloß der Vampire The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Express to Terror Express to Terror The Invasion of Carol Enders Curse of the Black Widow Mit der Nacht kommt der Tod Dracula Das Schloß der verlorenen Seelen Dem Bösen widerstehen The Invasion of Carol Enders Trilogy of Terror When Every Day Was the Fourth of July The Great Ice Rip-Off Der letzte Coup der Dalton-Gang Das Bildnis des Dorian Gray Dark Shadows: The Vampire Curse Frankenstein Saving Milly The Long Days of Summer Dark Shadows: The Vampire Curse The Long Days of Summer Johnny Ryan Saving Milly Im Schatten der Furcht Prisoners of Gravity Prisoners of Gravity Prisoners of Gravity Prisoners of Gravity Prisoners of Gravity Prisoners of Gravity Prisoners of Gravity Prisoners of Gravity Prisoners of Gravity Prisoners of Gravity Prisoners of Gravity Prisoners of Gravity Prisoners of Gravity Prisoners of Gravity Prisoners of Gravity Prisoners of Gravity Prisoners of Gravity