Kate Williams Mrs. Lawrence Will Look After It Ein irrer Trip im Wahnsinnsbus Love Thy Neighbour Hot Money Hughie Green, Most Sincerely Edna: The Inebriate Woman Königin der Banditen Till Death Us Do Part R.H.I.N.O.; Really Here in Name Only Poor Cow Das liebestolle Hospital Melody Party Party Quadrophenia No Hard Feelings The Table Das liebestolle Hospital Nichts als Ärger im Depot The Bill EastEnders The Gentle Touch Silent Witness Widows Randall & Hopkirk (Deceased) Family Affairs Lovejoy Love Thy Neighbour Jim Hensons Geschichten Born And Bred Time After Time Thingumybob Der Aufpasser Press Gang Murder Most Horrid Casualty Berkeley Square Michael McIntyre's The Wheel Casualty Only Fools and Horses