John Elliott Angels' Alley Riot Squad Christine of the Big Tops Carolina Danger Trails The Spoilers Die Frau am Strand Rio Grande Ranger Santa Fe Rides The Third Sex Calling Dr. Death Experiment in Terror The Scarlet Streak Todeszelle Nr. 5 Pilot X The Great Flamarion The Rogues' Tavern Im Herzen von Arizona Tal der Vergeltung Allotment Wives Homer Comes Home Death Rides the Range Rolling Down the Great Divide Frisco, die Stadt ohne Gesetz The Mad Monster The Match King The Drunkard Frontier Justice The Kid's Last Ride Roamin' Wild Roarin' Guns Die Diamanten-Ranch Trigger Tom Wagon Trail Toll of the Desert Sunset Range Rainbow's End The Rider of the Law Danger Ahead Bulldog Courage Prison Shadows Heading for Heaven The Girl Who Came Back A Face in the Fog Rip Roarin' Buckaroo The Phantom of the Range The Millionaire Kid Vengeance of Rannah The Monster and the Ape For the Defense Bars of Hate Jungle Raiders A Lost Lady Shoot to Kill Flaming Waters Ticket to a Crime Der Fluch des Wahnsinns Flying Fists Perils of the Royal Mounted Wild Horse Phantom Tenting Tonight on the Old Camp Ground The Murder in the Museum Songs and Saddles Fighting Pioneers Back Pay The Widow from Chicago A Holy Terror Avenging Waters The Fugitive Sheriff The Nevada Buckaroo The Rampant Age Kelly of the Secret Service Doughnuts and Society Wild Company Frontier Town Single-Handed Sanders Moon Over Montana Songs and Bullets Cassidy of Bar 20 Love Is on the Air Gentlemen Are Born Stage Mother Oklahoma Raiders One in a Million Land of the Open Range Come on Danger First Comes Courage The Invisible Killer The Fighting Renegade Smoke Tree Range Two Fisted Justice Die goldene Peitsche Der Glanz des Hauses Amberson Million Dollar Mystery The Man Who Wouldn't Talk Pirates of the Prairie The Apache Kid Make a Million Deadline at Dawn What Price Crime The Quitter Call Her Savage The Gallant Fool Big Calibre Mesquite Buckaroo Let's Go Native Die Lady von Shanghai Charlie Chan auf der Schatzinsel Port of Hate Wasser für Arizona Liebe und Leben des Telefonbauers A. Bell Mystery Plane Jesse James - Mann ohne Gesetz Midnight Phantom Sagebrush Law Trails of the Wild Young Bill Hickok Saddle Mountain Roundup Lightning Strikes West The Secret Menace Week Ends Only Only the Brave Mr. Skitch I Sell Anything A Night at the Ritz The Great Profile The Green Archer Flash Gordon - Todesstrahlen aus dem All Captured in Chinatown The Shadow Strikes The Texas Marshal Der Satan und die Lady Frontier Gunlaw Raiders of San Joaquin The Tulsa Kid Für Recht und Gesetz Terror in Texas Fuzzy wird energisch Tumbledown Ranch In Arizona Billy The Kid's Round-Up Gun Code Fighting Valley Law of the Saddle Schrecken über Colorado Riot Squad Fuzzy rechnet ab Law of the Lash Cowboy Holiday Breed of the Border Drei Cowboys und ein Mädel Die Freibeuterin Fuzzy der Unsterbliche Terror in Texas Perils of the Wilderness Gentleman from Dixie The Devil's Mask Men of the Plains Saddle Aces Skull and Crown The Night of June 13 The Secret Code Golden Hoofs Kid Courageous The Conquering Horde Korvette K 225 Ehebruch Horse Shoes Are All Men Alike? Dick und Doof - Die Wüstensöhne Baby Face Ein Fall für Detektiv Landers Land der Banditen Escape in the Fog Mother and Son South of Santa Fe Overland Stagecoach Headin' East God's Country and the Man Vanishing Men Riders of the Desert Tombstone Terror As the Earth Turns Laugh and Get Rich Feind im Dunkel Dugan of the Badlands The Montana Kid Oklahoma Jim Two Fisted Justice Galloping Thru Broadway to Cheyenne The Man from Arizona Lucky Larrigan Texas Pioneers Dead Man's Eyes Hidden Valley Ridin' On Der geheimnisvolle Reiter Vagabond Lady A Master Stroke Hunted Men