Paul Soles Der unglaubliche Hulk My First Wedding The Score Take Me Up to the Ball Game Rudolph mit der roten Nase Noah's Animals King of the Beasts Last of the Red-Hot Dragons A Star for Two The Abduction The Gunrunner - Zwischen allen Fronten Siblings Das Todeskomplott Bram Stoker: Dark World The Trolls and the Christmas Express Lost Heroes The Magic Hockey Skates The Five Senses The Making of a President Einstein: Light to the Power of 2 Papas zweiter Frühling Willy McBean and His Magic Machine Really Weird Tales Das süße Wort Verheißung The Little Brown Burro Stormy Weather: The Music of Harold Arlen Falling Over Backwards Beethoven Lives Upstairs Teen Knight – Zurück ins Mittelalter The Lotus Eaters A Christmas Tree Terminal City Kung Fu – Im Zeichen des Drachen L.A. Law The Marvel Super Heroes F/X - Die Serie The King Kong Show Ein Mountie in Chicago Rookie Blue The Smokey Bear Show Wishfart Nurses Riverdale The Jane Show Spider-Man My 90 Year Old Roommate The New Alfred Hitchcock Presents