Geof Bartz Stripper The Great Radio Comedians Boy Interrupted One Minute to Nine Poster Girl Le Cirque: A Table in Heaven Hot Coffee One Thousand Pictures: RFK's Last Journey Nuyorican Dream Miss You Can Do It 39 Pounds of Love Pumping Iron Dealing Dogs Mob Stories Insurrection: Was wurde aus den Kapitolstürmern? White Light/Black Rain: The Destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki Gegen alle Widerstände - Die Karriere der Nancy Pelosi Dzieci z Leningradzkiego A Girl in the River: Der Preis der Vergebung Stripper Stripper Warning: This Drug May Kill You Die Bombe von Oklahoma City: Ein amerikanischer Albtraum The Camps of Death The Camps of Death The Wyeths: A Father and His Family Truman Katie Morgan's Porn 101 Big Mama Breslin and Hamill: Deadline Artists The Men Who Made the Movies: Howard Hawks Women on Trial LBJ FDR Larry Kramer: Liebe und Wut Hiroshima Nagasaki August, 1945 Hiroshima Nagasaki August, 1945