Edward Fox Soldaat van Oranje Lost in Space Gandhi Marlowe går til sagen The Old, Old, Very Old Man Mytteriet på Bounty Sjakalen Broen ved Arnhem Oh! What a Lovely War Mord i spejlet James Mason: The Star They Loved to Hate Slaget om England Prince Valiant All the Queen's Men A Month by the Lake The Dresser The Go-Between James Bond: Never Say Never Again Sprængstof Styrke 10 fra Navarone A Hazard of Hearts Duellanterne Medieval England: The Peasants' Revolt The Republic Of Love The Shooting Party Broen Over Floden Kwai 2 The Cat and the Canary The Squeeze The Jokers Quartermaine's Terms The Crucifer of Blood The Frozen Dead The Naked Runner Life at the Top I'll Never Forget What's'isname Galileo National Theatre Live: The Audience A Doll's House Circles Of Deceit September They Never Slept Edward & Mrs. Simpson Katherine of Alexandria Kraniegraverne The Harmfulness of Tobacco The Strauss Dynasty The Maitlands Dr. Watson and the Darkwater Hall Mystery A Midsummer Night's Dream Bermondsey Richard Attenborough: A Life in Film Forbidden Territory: Stanley's Search for Livingstone Lassie The Dresser Shotgun Loyalties The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner The Importance of Being Earnest Nicholas Nickleby A Feast at Midnight The Mind Benders The Breaking of Bumbo Livets pris Stage Beauty An Ideal Husband Robin Hood Johnny English slår til igen The Tale of Little Pig Robinson Shooting the Chandelier Sea-Change Performance The Avengers Shaka Zulu Shadows of Fear Edward and Mrs Simpson The Expert Oliver Twist Gulliver's Travels Man in a Suitcase Hard Times A Dance to the Music of Time BBC Play of the Month Daniel Deronda Agatha Christie's Marple Screen Two BBC Play of the Month Chillers Wogan Strauss Dynasty September Journey to the Unknown The Gentlemen Lewis Kriminalkommissær Barnaby Cluedo Theatre Night The Modern World: Ten Great Writers Wedden, dat..? Hercule Poirot Voor koningin en vaderland The Avengers Anastasia - The Mystery of Anna Taboo Screen Two Thirty-Minute Theatre Kriminalkommissær Foyle