Edward Anhalt Mænd af rette støbning Tail Gunner Joe Nowhere to Hide Madame X Seksløberens time Manden der ikke kunne dø Panic in the Streets The Sniper Boston-kvæleren Alarm fra center 3 De unge løver Flugten til Athena Becket Girls! Girls! Girls! Three Lives The Sins of Rachel Cade Not as a Stranger Det gælder min søn The Restless Years In Love and War The Madwoman of Chaillot The Take In Enemy Country Boeing, Boeing The Member of the Wedding Bulldog Drummond Strikes Back The Gentleman from Nowhere Men and Dust Luther The Crime Doctor's Diary The Crime Doctor's Diary ബോയിംഗ് ബോയിംഗ് The Day Christ Died Strange Voyage A Girl Named Tamiko Green Ice Contract on Cherry Street The Man in the Glass Booth The Member of the Wedding The Salzburg Connection Avalanche My Six Convicts The City Stolthed og lidenskab Nowhere to Hide Nowhere to Hide The Holcroft Covenant Madame X Wives and Lovers Eight Iron Men The Iceman Cometh Falcon Crest Falcon Crest Falcon Crest Falcon Crest