Oliver Wallace The Wind in the Willows Hr. Tudse og søvnigdalens legende Hr. Tudse og søvnigdalens legende Walt Disney's Where Do the Stories Come From? The Story of the Animated Drawing Lady og Vagabonden Askepot Peter Pan Dumbo Der Fuehrer's Face Education for Death: The Making of the Nazi Private Pluto The Vanishing Private Victory Vehicles The New Spirit Grand Canyonscope The Legend of Sleepy Hollow Danser For Jordnødder Grin and Bear It How to Have an Accident at Work Let's Stick Together Inferior Decorator Lion Around Mickey and the Seal Mickey Down Under Mickey's Delayed Date Så til søs Mr. Mouse Takes a Trip No Hunting Sleepy Time Donald Slide Donald Slide Old Sequoia Spare the Rod Sea Salts Society Dog Show Rugged Bear Soup's On Pluto's Party Straight Shooters The Plastics Inventor The Little Whirlwind The Trial of Donald Duck Up a Tree Wet Paint Wide Open Spaces Vinterforråd Hooked Bear Donald's Better Self Self Control Donald Duck and the Gorilla Morris the Midget Moose Tea for Two Hundred Bee On Guard Chip og Chap Canvas Back Duck Bootle Beetle The Clock Watcher Clown of the Jungle Tre til morgenmad Commando Duck Anders Ands popcorn Crazy Over Daisy Crazy with the Heat Anders Ands dobbeltgænger Donald's Garden Anders Ands dilemma Donald's Dream Voice Donald's Happy Birthday Donald's Gold Mine Anders And bliver kureret Daddy Duck Donald's Tire Trouble Dragon Rundt Drip Dippy Donald Duck Pimples Dumbell of the Yukon Bearly Asleep Beezy Bear Chips Ahoy Pigs Is Pigs Social Lion The Flying Squirrel Frank Duck Brings 'em Back Alive Anders And og strudsen Modern Inventions The Riveter The Lone Chipmunks Seal Island Darby i Alfeland Roarin' Guns Hans Brinker, or the Silver Skates Redningshunden Timber Disneyland: U.S.A. Symphony Hour Big Red Black Gold Samoa Casey Bats Again The Goofy Success Story Donald's Nephews Donald's Cousin Gus Boat Builders Lighthouse Keeping Old Yeller Mickey og bønnestagen The Alaskan Eskimo Siam Teachers Are People Squatter's Rights The Purloined Pup Clock Cleaners Plutos lillebror Pluto's Housewarming Dog Watch Pluto i Holland Pluto's Purchase Pluto's Sweater Pluto's Blue Note Plutos fugleunge Pluto's Surprise Package Sheep Dog Bone Bandit Pueblo Pluto Sea Scouts Bubble Bee Boat Builders Mickey's Trailer Disney Skatkammer Vol. 1 Disney Skatkammer Vol. 3 Springtime for Pluto How to Play Football Canine Patrol Ridderturneringen African Diary Canine Casanova Figaro and Frankie The Legend of Coyote Rock Bath Day Double Dribble Foul Hunting All in a Nutshell Tennis Racquet Honey Harvester Mail Dog They're Off The Big Wash The Greener Yard Goofy Gymnastics Cat Nap Pluto Pluto's Heart Throb Wonder Dog Pluto and the Gopher Primitive Pluto The Legend of Lobo Ama Girls Bulldog Courage Frankensteins Brud Alice i Eventyrland Alice i Eventyrland Dumbo Peter Pan Anders Ands sneboldkamp Victory Through Air Power Little Dog Lost D.I.Y. Duck The Goofy Adventure Story Tonka Ben and Me The Best Doggoned Dog in the World Sardinia Problemer med Chip & Chap Wild Burro of the West Vild med Chip og Chap Hr. Tudse og søvnigdalens legende Hr. Tudse og søvnigdalens legende Spil for mig! Alle elsker Mickey Mickey's Family Album Here's Goofy! On Vacation with Mickey Mouse and Friends The Blue Men of Morocco Alice i Eventyrland Mickey's Amateurs Jungle Cat A Feather in His Collar I Captured the King of the Leprechauns I Captured the King of the Leprechauns The Incredible Journey Daniel Boone: The Warrior's Path A Fire Called Jeremiah Our Friend the Atom The Navajos: Children of the Gods Mysteries of the Deep