Butch Lukic Batman: Den lange Allehelgensaften, del 1 Batman: Den lange Allehelgensaften, del 2 Wonder Woman Grønne Lygte: Frygt mine kræfter Batman Unlimited: Animal Instincts Justice League: Starcrossed - The Movie Ultimate Avengers: The Movie Justice League: Secret Origins Batman Unlimited: Monstermania Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths Part One Legion of Super-Heroes Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths Part Two Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths Part Three Justice League: Warworld Constantine: Dæmonbyen DC Showcase: Adam Strange DC Showcase: Adam Strange Batman Unlimited: Animal Instincts Batman Unlimited: Monstermania Batman: Dødsenglen DC Showcase: Adam Strange Supermand: Morgendagens mand Lovens samfund: Anden Verdenskrig