Ed Barge Mouse Cleaning Salt Water Tabby A Mouse in the House Vær venlig at være stille Forår for Tom og Jerry The Invisible Mouse The Truce Hurts Musenes skræk Kitty Foiled Old Rockin' Chair Tom Part Time Pal Den mælkeglade hjemløse The Two Mouseketeers Solid Serenade Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Mouse Hatch Up Your Troubles Heavenly Puss Jerry and Jumbo Jerry and the Goldfish Jerry and the Lion Jerry's Cousin Jerry's Diary Johann Mouse Just Ducky The Flying Cat Toms musefælde Mice Follies The Missing Mouse Life with Tom Mus til salg Slagsmål ved grillen Onkel Pecos Mor Tom That's My Pup! Texas Tom Pet Peeve Tom træner muskler Neapolitan Mouse The Little Orphan Little Quacker Little Runaway Little School Mouse Cruise Cat Cue Ball Cat Den dansende bjørn Downhearted Duckling Nit-Witty Kitty The Duck Doctor Southbound Duckling Jerry og Ægget Love That Pup Polka-Dot Puss Feedin' the Kiddie Fit to Be Tied Jerry forelsker sig The Hollywood Bowl Posse Cat Professor Tom En hvalp på skovtur Puppy Tale Push-Button Kitty Heksejagt The Framed Cat Tops with Pops Touché, Pussy Cat! Triplet Trouble Sleepy-Time Tom Slicked-up Pup Toms hjemmefilm Safety Second Kattespektakler Hic-cup Pup Two Little Indians Mus i Manhatten Jack and the Beanstalk Cat Fishin' Toms kærestesorger The Cat Concerto The Cat and the Mermouse Casanova Cat His Mouse Friday The Dog House Busy Buddies Baby Butch Tennis Chumps Cat Napping Dere Mr President,