Bill Weeden Are We Not Cats Sgt. Kabukiman N.Y.P.D. #Shakespeare's Shitstorm Try to Remember: The Fantasticks Never Again The Last Man in Brooklyn Bad Brain Sir Isengord and the Theory of the Magnificent Spinning Quanto Quasi Table The Wicked Hollows Fanget af fortiden Applesauce Psycho Ape!! Part II: The Wrath of Kong The Blur of Insanity The Ungovernable Force Full Throttle Paradise Open Wide The Lives of Hamilton Fish Greetings from Tromaville! The Once and Future Smash Equal Standard Destined to be Ingested Abandoned in the Dark Psycho Ape! Eternal Sunshine Dinner with Daddy Simple Revenge Ramekins: Ramekin II Special Needs Revolt! No Shark Slaughter at Camp Swinelake Starved