Pirates of the Caribbean: Salazar's Revenge

Pirates of the Caribbean: Salazar's Revenge 2017


Den unge Henry vil ophæve en familie forbandelse, der hænger over hans familie, men det kræver havguden Poseidons trefork. Henry's søgen leder ham til den smukke Carina, og de to får uventet hjælp i den fordrukne sørøver, Jack. Samtidig jages Jack af den hævngerrige kaptajn Armando, som har undsluppet Djævlens trekant. Jack, Henry og Carina skal nu finde treforken, så de kan bryde forbandelsen, få kontrol over havene og endelig bekæmpe den onde Armando.


Transformers: De Faldnes Hævn

Transformers: De Faldnes Hævn 2009


Slaget om jorden er vundet og lederen af de onde Decepticoner Megatron er død. Så alt ånder tilsyneladende fred og idyl for menneskene og de gode Autobotter. Men Starscream, Decepticonernes nye leder, er på vej mod jorden for at kidnappe den unge Sam Witwicky, og til Autobotternes store frygt er Megatrons krop blevet stjålet. Nogen planlægger at genoplive den mægtige Decepticon og det må forhindres for enhver pris.



Oculus 2013


For 10 år siden ramte en tragedie Russell familien, og teenagerne Tim og Kaylie fik forandret deres liv for altid, da Tim blev dømt for det brutale mord på deres forældre. Nu er han i 20′erne og netop frigivet fra fængslet. Han vil bare videre med sit liv, men Kaylie er overbevist om, at det var et antikt spejl i deres hjem, der slog deres forældre ihjel.


Chinese Zodiac

Chinese Zodiac 2012


Asi­an Hawk og hans team er på jagt ef­ter tab­te ar­te­fak­ter fra Det Gam­le Som­mer­pa­lads - 12 bron­ze­sta­tu­er af de ki­ne­si­ske stjer­ne­tegns­dyr, som blev stjå­let til­ba­ge i 1800-tal­let. Den livs­far­li­ge og actionfyld­te mis­sion brin­ger Asi­an Hawk og de an­dre klo­den rundt.


I en kælder sort som kul

I en kælder sort som kul 1987


I kælderen på en lille katolsk kirke finder præsten Loomis en mærkelig beholder fyldt med grønt splat. Sammen med professor Birack afdækker Loomis af splattet i virkeligheden indeholder den indespærrede ånd fra selveste satans søn. Og den i mange år han den absurd onde ånd bare ventet på en chance præcis som den her.


Alone in the Dark

Alone in the Dark 2005


Da Edward Carnby var barn, så han noget, som var umuligt at forklare. Nu, tyve år senere, forsker Edward i det overnaturlige. Og han er på vej ind i sit livs farligste sag. 19 mennesker er allerede forsvundet. Og de har alle haft én ting til fælles: de er vokset op på samme børnehjem som Edward! Sammen med antropologen Aline Cedrac vikles Edward ind i en sag om oldgamle ondskaber, fortabte civilisationer, hemmelige konspirationer og overnaturlige kræfter, der truer hele menneskeheden! Er du nogensinde vågnet op midt om natten og har følt, at der var nogen i rummet hos dig? Du leder panisk efter natlampen, men idet du tænder, kan du intet se. Du føler dig sikker... men at du ikke kan se noget betyder ikke, at det ikke er der...


Nothing to Lose

Nothing to Lose 1997


Nick Beam spiller den stressede reklamemand, som en dag kommer hjem fra arbejdet og finder sin kone i seng sammen med sin chef. Deprimeret og chokeret sidder han fast i en bilkø, da næste katastrofe slår ned, han bliver overfaldet af den tossede røver T. Paul. I desperation kidnapper Nick røveren, og det umage par begiver sig ud på en komisk rejse spækket med røverier, biljagter og utrolige oplevelser. Under rejsen begynder tanken om hævn på sin kone og chef at forme sig, det hele får en meget komisk ende.


The Touch

The Touch 2002


Jernhård disciplin. Millimeterpræcise bevægelser. Lynsnare reflekser. Generation efter generation har de forfinet deres akrobatiske krigskunst og turnerer nu med et dødsforagtende martial arts show. Men deres ekstreme kunnen har et dybere formål. De er vogterne. Beskyttere af den urgamle Shariria-talisman. I mere end 700 år har familien værnet om hemmeligheden. Men nu er de blevet forrådt, solgt til deres værste fjende af en af deres egne. Skjult i de hemmelige grotter venter Shaririaens kraft, indkapslet, beskyttet af dødsfælder, bevogtet af klanen. Men nu har fjenden fundet nøglen. Århundreders venten er slut. Århundreders træning skal nu stå sin prøve i kamp. Jagten er i gang...


The Order

The Order 2001


Diamantjagt i junglen, pengevask i Europa, illegale Wall Street transaktioner – Rudy lever livet farligt, men gør det med stil. Nu er han i Jerusalem, på jagt i katakomberne under den gamle bydel efter en livsfarlig hemmelighed med rødder tilbage til Det Gamle Testamente.


Holiday in the Sun

Holiday in the Sun 2001


Der er dømt total bade-dase-party-solskinsferie på Bahamas for turbotøserne Mary-Kate og Ashley Olsen. Kridhvide sandstrande, viftende palmer, overdådige luksusyachter, brusende bølger og flotte surferfyre danner rammen om pigernes eventyr. Og når solens gyldne stråler slukkes og månen tænder sit glitrende sølvlys står den på fest og romantik i den lune tropenat. Men der lurer en slange i paradiset. Ved et tilfælde falder tvillingerne over en smuglerbande, der stjæler gamle skatte fra øernes fortid, hvor blodstørstige sørøvere hærgede på havet. Nu starter en hæsblæsende – og farlig – skattejagt …


2009: Lost Memories

2009: Lost Memories 2002


Året er 2009. Koreas hovedstad, Seoul, tilhører nu Japan. Trods sin koreanske oprindelse sværger den hemmelige agent Sakamoto sammen med sin kollega Saiko troskab til det voksende japanske kejserdømme. De to får til opgave at uskadeliggøre en koreansk modstandsbevægelse, men Sakamoto løber ind i vanskeligheder, da han kommer i kontakt med en kvinde fra bevægelsen – hun er den kvinde, som han tidligere har set i sine drømme. Er det bare en tilfældighed, eller er det del af en velplanlagt sammensværgelse?


Poltergeist: The Legacy

Poltergeist: The Legacy 1996


The adventures of the members of a secret society known as the Legacy and their efforts to protect humankind from occult dangers.



Witchblade 2001


Sara "Pez" Pezzini searches for justice which brings her into contact with the Witchblade. An ancient, intelligent, living weapon so powerful it can battle Earth's darkest evil forces. Week in and week out, Pez employs her skills as a police detective to fight crime. Pez finds she must employ the Witchblade to combat a much greater and frighteningly organized conspiracy of evil that threatens the very soul of humanity.


Relic Hunter

Relic Hunter 1999


Sydney Fox is a professor and globe-trotting "relic hunter" who looks for ancient artifacts to return to museums and/or the descendants of the original owner. She is aided by her linguistic assistant Nigel and occasionally by her somewhat air-headed secretary Claudia. She often ends up battling rival hunters seeking out artifacts for the money.


Warehouse 13

Warehouse 13 2009


After saving the life of the President, two secret service agents - Myka Bering and Pete Lattimer - find themselves assigned to the top secret Warehouse 13. The Warehouse is a massive, top secret facility that houses dangerous and fantastical objects. Together, Pete and Myka along with fellow agents Claudia, Steve Jinks and Warehouse caretaker Artie, must recover artifacts from around the globe before they can cause catastrophic damage.


The Librarians

The Librarians 2014


A group of librarians set off on adventures in an effort to save mysterious, ancient artifacts. Based on the series of "The Librarian" movies.


Blood & Treasure

Blood & Treasure 2019


An antiquities expert teams up with an art thief to catch a terrorist who funds his attacks using stolen artifacts.


Divine Lord of the Heavens

Divine Lord of the Heavens 2024


Qin Yang, a young man with exceptional talents, possesses the coveted mystic artifact, the "Star Gate", which drew envy from others. Unfortunately, this treasure is taken away. As he approaches death, the dormant treasure within him, the "Divine Pearl", begins to awaken. At that moment, he regains memories from his past nine lives, and embarks on a new journey. Meanwhile, his family faces an unprecedented crisis. Enduring numerous trials, Qin Yang, with the experience and wisdom from his previous lives, takes charge and overcomes obstacle after obstacle. Unbeknownst to them, the conspirators continue their relentless pursuit. Nevertheless, Qin Yang, with his unwavering dedication to protecting his loved ones, chooses to fight on.


Treasure Hunters

Treasure Hunters 2006


Treasure Hunters is a reality television series on NBC and Global Television in which ten teams of three solve puzzles and complete challenges in hopes of solving the ultimate puzzle and winning the grand prize. Teams travel across the United States and Europe in search of seven "artifacts" which when assembled will "lead to the key. Find the key, and find the treasure." The challenges and puzzles are spliced with American history, and the ultimate goal is to find a hidden treasure, leading the show to be compared on various occasions to the film National Treasure. The value of the treasure in the series was revealed on the season finale to be $3,000,000. The two-hour premiere episode aired on June 18, 2006 and beginning June 26 the series moved to its regular Monday night timeslot. The season finale was broadcast live on August 21, 2006. The Hunt is similar in format to The Amazing Race. Key differences include: ⁕Teams consist of three members as opposed to The Amazing Race's usual two ⁕The start location of each leg is not necessarily the end point of the previous leg ⁕Teams start each leg at the same time; Amazing Race teams have staggered starts based on previous leg finish order


Unnatural History

Unnatural History 2010


Teenager Henry Griffin acquired many skills through years of travelling the world with his anthropologist parents. Sent to live with his uncle and cousin in Washington DC, and with the help of his cousin Jasper and friend Maggie, he must now use those skills to solve the modern mysteries of high school.


Stealer: The Treasure Keeper

Stealer: The Treasure Keeper 2023


A comic action drama in which a veiled cultural asset thief 'Skunk' and an unofficial cultural asset recovery team 'Karma' unite against those who cannot be judged by the law.


Thousands of worlds

Thousands of worlds 2022


10,000 years ago in the world of Luofu, the banished immortal was born and the evil emperor was resurrected. Their grievances of tens of thousands years erupted overnight. The head master of Sword Exploration School went deep into the Dark Abyss and never be heard of since then... 10,000 years later, he got reborn again.. (Source: MangaToon)



Masterwork 1970


"Masterwork" is a Fox's tv drama pilot from "Prison Break" creator Paul Scheuring. It centers on an FBI agent and a fine-arts expert (Matt Passmore) who teams with an MI-5 agent (Natalie Dormer) for a globe-trotting adventure where they race against time to recover the world's most precious artifacts. It was not picked up.


Brad Meltzer's Lost History

Brad Meltzer's Lost History 2014


What does the Ground Zero flag from 9/11 have in common with the original Wright Brothers flying machine patent? Both are historically important items for the United States… and both are missing. Best-selling author Brad Meltzer enlists America’s help to find these and other missing treasures.


Tomb Raider

Tomb Raider 1970


Phoebe Waller-Bridge's adaptation of video game Tomb Raider, which follows the adventures of archaeologist and adventurer Lara Croft.


The Other Side of Deep Space

The Other Side of Deep Space 2025


The rise of new cultivation techniques that embrace technology has led to the gradual decline of ancient, millennia-old cultivation arts. Wang Xuan, a prodigious young master of the old techniques, accidentally joins the mysterious organization Mi Lu. Through seizing treasured artifacts, battling new techniques, and confronting celestial beings in a series of thrilling and exhilarating adventures, he uncovers the profound secrets hidden within the ancient arts. To confront the impending great crisis, Wang Xuan dares to delve into the starry sky, pushing the limits of his own growth.


American Digger

American Digger 2012


American Digger is an American reality television series airing on Spike. The show follows former professional wrestler Frank Huguelet and his company American Savage as they search the United States for buried historical artifacts. The second season of the show was retitled Savage Family Diggers as Savage's wife Rita and son Nick join the crew. On August 7, 2012, Spike TV announced that American Digger had been renewed for a second thirteen episode season. Filming of the new season began Fall 2012 and will air in Spring 2013.