
Elizabeth 1998


England 1554. Under Dronning Mary den førstes herredømme er landet som aldrig før plaget af ustabilitet. Tæt ved døden forcerer Mary sin anti-protestantiske politik. Landet summer af forræderi og rædsel. Selv Prinsesse Elizabeth, Marys yngre halvsøster og tronfølger, er i alvorlig fare. Men Marys allersidste forsøg på at få hende henrettet for forræderi mislykkes, og da hun dør i 1558 bliver den unge Elizabeth Tudor, datter af Henrik den ottende, i stedet kronet til Dronning af England. Hele landt frydes, og ligeså gør Elizabeth. Men realiteterne går snart op for den unge dronning. England er bankerot, har ingen hær og ligger under for alvorlige trusler fra udlandet, og derudover har Elizabeth personlige fjender indenfor hoffets mure.


Maria Stuart: Dronning af Skotland

Maria Stuart: Dronning af Skotland 2018


Maria, der er blevet dronning af Frankrig som 16-årig og enke som 18-årig, modstår presset for at gifte sig igen og vender tilbage til sit fødeland, Skotland, for at gøre krav på tronen. Fra sin fødsel har hun også krav på den trone, som Elizabeth I sidder på – dronning af England. De to dronninger kæmper om magt og kærlighed og træffer vidt forskellige valg. Forræderi, oprør og sammensværgelser splitter de to kvinder, der begge oplever magtens bagside.


Elizabeth: The Golden Age

Elizabeth: The Golden Age 2007


Det går rigtig godt i England under dronning Elizabeth i sidste halvdel af 1500-tallet. Kunst, uddannelse og tøjmode har alle gode dage og sørme om ikke også kirken er rimelig tilfreds. Desværre har Elizabeth det lidt sværere på privatfronten, hvor hendes forhold til levemanden og eventyren Sir Walter Raleigh er kendetegnet ved både op- og nedture.


Mand til alle tider

Mand til alle tider 1966


Fred Zinnemanns filmatisering af Robert Bolts historiske skuespil A Man for All Seasons er så vellykket, at den ud over de 6 Oscars, den vandt i 1966, scorede yderligere 14 internationale filmpriser samme år. Det er en moralsk fabel, der placerer den engelske Lord Chancellor, juristen og katolikken Sir Thomas Moore (Paul Scofield) i centrum, da han af samvittighedsmæssige grunde nægter at anerkende sin konge, Henry VIII's ønske om skilsmisse.


Anne, dronning i tusind dage

Anne, dronning i tusind dage 1969


Richard Burton og Genevieve Bujold spiller Kong Henry VIII af England og Anne Boleyn i dette følelsesladede drama om en af historiens mest kendte og tragiske kærlighedsaffærer, der udspillede sig under de statsligt og politisk komplicerede forhold i 1500-tallets England.


Dronningens elsker

Dronningens elsker 1939


Olivia de Havilland, Errol Flynns faste partner i denne og de fleste af hans og instruktøren Michael Curtiz' klassiske underholdningsfilm, får her hård konkurrence af den intellektuelle vamp Bette Davis som den aldrende engelske dronning Elizabeth den Første. Hun forelsker sig i jarlen af Essex (Flynn), en væsentligt yngre mand, men omstændighederne gør ham til en oprører, og Elizabeth må trods sine følelser gøre sin royale pligt.


Maria Stuart: Dronning af Skotland

Maria Stuart: Dronning af Skotland 1971


Marie Stuart er kun seks dage gammel, da hun i 1492 bliver kronet som dronning af Skotland. Efter et kort eventyr som 17-årig dronning af Frankrig vender hun tilbage til Skotland og finder nye ægtemænd. Samtidig får hun en ærkefjende i sin kusine Elizabeth, Englands dronning, hvis trone hun skuler misundeligt efter.


Hævnens ånd

Hævnens ånd 1970


En engelsk adelsfamilie rammes af en heks' forbandelse i 1500-tallet. Hun sender en ond ånd i menneskeskelig skikkelse til den grusomme Lord Whitmans residens, og snart begynder uhyggelige ting at ske. En efter en dør familien Whitmans familiemedlemmer.


The Tudors

The Tudors 2007


The Tudors is a history-based drama series following the young, vibrant King Henry VIII, a competitive and lustful monarch who navigates the intrigues of the English court and the human heart with equal vigor and justifiable suspicion.


The Spanish Princess

The Spanish Princess 2019


The beautiful Spanish princess, Catherine of Aragon, navigates the royal lineage of England with an eye on the throne.


Wolf Hall

Wolf Hall 2015


Following the fact-based historical book of the same name, this drama follows the rise of Cromwell as he becomes Henry the VIII's closest advisor. England in the 1520s is a heartbeat from disaster. If the King dies without a male heir, the country could be destroyed by civil war. Henry VIII wants to annul his marriage of twenty years and marry Anne Boleyn. The Pope and most of Europe oppose him. Into this impasse steps Thomas Cromwell: a wholly original man, a charmer, and a bully, both idealist and opportunist, astute in reading people, and implacable in his ambition. But Henry is volatile: one day tender, one day murderous. Cromwell helps him break the opposition, but what will be the price of his triumph?


Walking Through History

Walking Through History 2013


Tony Robinson goes for a walk through some of Britain's beautiful and historic landscapes.


The Six Wives of Henry VIII

The Six Wives of Henry VIII 1970


Series of television plays written by six different authors. Each play is a lavish dramatization of the trials and tribulations surrounding Henry and his wives. Keith Michell ties the episodes together with his dignified and magnetic performance as the mighty monarch.


Henry VIII

Henry VIII 2003


The life of Henry VIII of England from the disintegration of his first marriage to an aging Spanish princess until his death following a stroke in 1547, by which time he had married for the sixth time.


The Virgin Queen

The Virgin Queen 2006


The Virgin Queen explores the full sweep of Elizabeth's life: from her days of fear as a potential victim of her sister's terror; through her great love affair with Robert Dudley; into her years of triumph over the Armada; and finally her old age and her last, enigmatic relationship with her young protégé, the Earl of Essex.


The Six Wives of Henry VIII

The Six Wives of Henry VIII 2001


Through dramatic reconstructions and his own passionate narration, Dr. David Starkey, the controversial Tudor historian, profiles the six women who married Henry Vlll.



Elizabeth 2000


Elizabeth is a four-part British documentary about Queen Elizabeth I of England.


Tudor Monastery Farm

Tudor Monastery Farm 2013


Historian Ruth Goodman and archaeologists Peter Ginn and Tom Pinfold turn the clock back 500 years to the early Tudor period to become tenant farmers on monastery land.


Six Wives with Lucy Worsley

Six Wives with Lucy Worsley 2016


In an ambitious and groundbreaking approach to drama and history featuring dramatic reconstruction, historian Lucy Worsley time travels back to the Tudor Court to witness some of the most dramatic moments in the lives of Henry VIII's six wives.


Inside Hampton Court Palace

Inside Hampton Court Palace 2021


On the edge of London stands Hampton Court, one of Britain's biggest palaces and most popular tourist spots, attracting almost a million visitors every year. Spanning 750 acres of grounds, it boasts 1,300 rooms and 23 courtyards...along with a host of secrets and historic stories. This two-part special provides an exclusive and intimate look at life inside the court today for the people keeping Henry VIII's world alive in the modern age, and also explores what life was like in the palace where the private world of the Tudors began.


Walking Tudor England

Walking Tudor England 2021


Professor Suzannah Lipscomb wends her way around the country on the trail of history's most fascinating dynasty.