Minder fra i går 1991
Historien om 27-årige Taeko, der tager på en lille ferie på landet hos en bekendt familie. Her tager hun sit liv op til revision (bl.a. gennem minder fra barndommen), og hun bliver i sidste ende klogere på sig selv som person.
Historien om 27-årige Taeko, der tager på en lille ferie på landet hos en bekendt familie. Her tager hun sit liv op til revision (bl.a. gennem minder fra barndommen), og hun bliver i sidste ende klogere på sig selv som person.
Da 8-årige Ben og hans 4-årige søster Saoirses mor forsvinder, bliver de to børn sendt til byen for at bo hos deres bedstemor. De beslutter dog hurtigt at vende tilbage til deres hjem ved havet, men rejsen bliver et kapløb mod tiden, og på vejen bliver de to søskende trukket ind i en verden, som Ben ellers kun kendte fra de folkeeventyr, hans mor plejede at fortælle. Men dette er langt fra en godnathistorie, og det står hurtigt klart for Ben, at deres overlevelse afhænger af Saoirse.
'Inside Llewyn Davis' er et komediedrama af Coen-brødrene og foregår i New York anno 1961. Sangeren Llewyn Davis er den ene halvdel af en moderat succesrig folkduo, indtil hans makker, Mike, begår selvmord. Llewyn prøver at stable en solistkarriere på benene, men det er i den grad op ad bakke. Samtidig byder Llewyns privatliv på mange udfordringer. Akut pengemangel tvinger ham til at sove på venners sofaer, og en kvindelig, gift kollega venter hans barn efter en kort affære.
Musikmanageren og storbysinglen Danny er på polterabendtur i Cornwall og opdager en gruppe fiskere, der kan synge sømandsviser, som går lige i hjertet og tårekanalerne. Danny slår sig ned i Port Isaac for at få en kontrakt med gruppen og snart opdager han fordelene ved at være væk fra det hurtige byliv. For udover vild natur, sammenhold og stolte traditioner har én af fiskerne en begavet og charmerende datter, som ikke sådan lige bider på krogen. De i fiskere fra Cornwall kommer under kontrakt hos Universal Records og opnår et top 10-hit med deres debutalbum, under navnet “Sea Shanty's”.
Tim Robbins har både skrevet og instrueret denne film, hvori han også selv spiller titelrollen som den fascistiske senatorkandidat, der med hjælp fra sine musikalske talenter har lagt sig stærkt i spidsen foran sine modkandidater! Han har tilsyneladende alle de meninger, som vælgerne ønsker sig af deres nye senator, og de glemmer tydeligvis at stille spørgsmålstegn ved, om han nu også er, hvad han giver sig ud for at være! Han kaster sig over de stofproblemer, som enhver storby den dag i dag må slås med, og netop fordi narko er noget, alle kan vende sig imod, er der ingen, der tænker over, hvad denne herre ellers vil bruge sin indflydelse på. Da det kommer for dagens lys, at Roberts selv har været involveret i smugling og handel med stoffer, ser det hele pludselig ikke længere så lyst ud!
The Johnny Cash Show was an American television music variety show hosted by Johnny Cash. The Screen Gems 58-episode series ran from June 7, 1969 to March 31, 1971 on ABC; it was taped at the Ryman Auditorium in Nashville, Tennessee. The show reached No. 17 in the Nielsen ratings in 1970. Cash opened each show, and its regulars included members of his touring troupe, June Carter Cash and the Carter Family, The Statler Brothers, Carl Perkins, and The Tennessee Three, with Australian-born musical director-arranger-conductor Bill Walker. The Statler Brothers performed brief comic interludes. It featured many folk-country musicians, such as Joni Mitchell, Bob Dylan, Linda Ronstadt, Kris Kristofferson, Mickey Newbury, Neil Young, Gordon Lightfoot, Merle Haggard, James Taylor and Tammy Wynette. It also featured other musicians such as jazz great Louis Armstrong, who died eight months after appearing on the show.
Now the longest-running music series in American television history, ACL showcases popular music legends and innovators from every genre.
The Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour is an American comedy and variety show hosted by the Smothers Brothers and initially airing on CBS from 1967 to 1969.
A musical adventure series emanating from The Caverns in Tennessee's majestic Cumberland Mountains. Celebrating the diversity of America’s musical heritage with artists from the full spectrum of genres: Bluegrass, yes but also Americana, Country, Soul, Blues, Rock N Roll, Gospel, Folk, and everything between.
This Emmy-award winning series features performances by musical artists in the setting of a Victorian-era concert hall in Norfolk, Connecticut.
Tom and Dick Smothers return to TV in this revival of the traditional variety show, mixing comedy skits, stand-up routines and musical numbers. Joining the Smothers each week were a number of aspiring young talents and veteran performers.
Folk musicians from both sides of the Atlantic come together in what have been called “the greatest backporch shows ever.” Collaborative live performances by various leading folk and country musicians playing music from Scotland, Ireland, England and North America.
David Holt plays tunes and talks with modern masters of traditional music in Appalachia, showcasing not just the music but also the countryside that gave it life. Shot entirely on location, the program puts its featured performers in the context of the countryside that nurtured their musical traditions.
Legendary folk musician Pete Seeger shares stories and songs with some of the folk and country music greats of the 1960s such as Johnny Cash, June Carter, Mississippi John Hurt, The Stanley Brothers and Doc Watson.
A series about the evolution of various spheres of Ukrainian culture and its modern heroes. This is the result of 100+ interviews and stories about how whole layers of culture were created in Ukraine. It is an attempt to capture the outbreak that is happening today and that we are waiting for tomorrow, to understand the strengths and weaknesses, identify trends and find answers to questions that concern. Each episode reveals an important topic: from the phenomenon of Ukrainian pop music and clipmaking to movies, comedy, street art and local clothing brands.
Presenter Charles Hazlewood stages a 140-person flashmob clog dance and explores the history of this folk dance that originated in the collieries and pit villages of the north east of England in the 19th century.
Travel the country in search of unknown 1920s artists, when the music of ordinary Americans was recorded for the first time, transforming music forever, in a three-part film narrated by Robert Redford, featuring Jack White, Nas, Taj Mahal and others.
Travel back through the 20th century to explore the roots of American music and discover the pioneers of the musical forms that combined on American soil to become the most pervasive music throughout the world.
Bagpuss is a UK children's television series, made by Peter Firmin and Oliver Postgate from 12 February 1974 to 7 May 1974 through their company Smallfilms. The title character was, "An old, saggy, cloth cat, baggy, and a bit loose at the seams." Although only 13 episodes of the show were made, it remains fondly remembered, and was regularly repeated in the UK for thirteen years. In 1999 Bagpuss topped a BBC poll for the UK's favourite children's TV programme.
Pentangle, the five points of light being Bert Jansch, John Renbourn, Jacqui McShee, Danny Thompson and Terry Cox. Formed in 1967, they took Trad folk and blended it with a mixture of jazz, blues and a sprinkling of rock. Hugely successful, they even had a hit single with the song "Light Flight" which was the theme to the BBC series "Take Three Girls". The band toured extensively, and made numerous TV appearances. This French TV special from 1972 captures the band in all its glory as they work their way through six songs from the albums "Solomon's Seal", and "Reflection." While others were combining folk with rock with varying degrees of success, these alchemists blended Trad folk with jazz and blues in an original recipe which has not been duplicated since
Series celebrating the historical and contemporary links between Scottish and Irish Gaelic song by bringing together top exponents of both traditions to sing and play with no audience except themselves, using a house band of their peers.
Following Folk takes us on a journey to discover the artists who are redefining folk music today. Featuring in-depth interviews and intimate performances, this series is a treat for all music lovers.