Mordet på Jesse James af kujonen Robert Ford

Mordet på Jesse James af kujonen Robert Ford 2007


Alle i 1880 Amerika kender Jesse James. Han er nationens mest berygtede kriminelle, jaget af loven i 10 stater. Han er også delstatens største helt, rost som en Robin Hood af offentligheden. Robert Ford? Ingen kender ham. Ikke endnu. Men den ambitiøse 19-årige har til formål at ændre det. Han vil være venner Jesse, ride med hans bande. Og hvis det ikke bringer Ford berømmelse, vil han finde en dødbringende vej.


Vantage Point

Vantage Point 2008


Et topmøde i Spanien om terrorbekæmpelse ender i total kaos, da to kugler flyver gennem luften med retning mod den amerikanske præsident. Kort efter eksploderer en bombe. I menneskemændgen står også den amerikanske turist Lewis, og sammen med Secret Service-agenten Barnes gennemgår han sine private videooptagelser fra dagen. De opdager, at ikke alt er, som det ser ud til at være.


Dirty Harry i Dødsspillet

Dirty Harry i Dødsspillet 1988


En seriemorder begynder at dræbe berømtheder efter en liste. Det bliver op til betjent Harry Callahan, bedre kendt som Dirty Harry, at pågribe morderen. Under opklaringen opdage Harry, at også hans navn står på listen. Som sædvanlig går Dirty Harry til arbejde med lige dele rå vold, hårde kommentarer og tunge håndvåben.



Junior 1994


En genial forsker beslutter at bruge sig selv som forsøgskanin, da hans lovende projekt ser ud til at blive standset. Hans ven, der er gynækolog, hjælper ham med at gennemføre eksperimentet, som skal afbrydes igen efter kort tid. Men eksperimentets indvirkning på forskeren er ikke kun fysisk. Følelsesmæssigt ændrer han sig også og er nu fast besluttet på at han vil være mor, eller rettere - far.


Breaking News

Breaking News 2004


Et politikorps i Hong Kong er blevet udstillet i medierne efter et fejlslagent forsøg på at stoppe et bankrøveri. Da politiet opdager, at røverne gemmer sig i en beboelsesejendom, ser de chancen for at rette op på deres renomme. Stedet belejres af hundredvis af politifolk, der er bevæbnede med både pistoler og kameraer. Alting går efter planen, indtil også røverne begynder at forsyne medierne med deres udgave af begivenhederne.



Funhouse 2019


Da otte berømtheder fra hele verden inviteres til at dyste i et realityprogram på nettet, indser de inden længe, at deres liv er på spil, da de personer, der stemmes hjem, rammes af forfærdelige følger, som vises direkte til hele verden.



Broadchurch 2013


The murder of a young boy in a small coastal town brings a media frenzy, which threatens to tear the community apart.


Dans les médias

Dans les médias 2017


Joined by contributors, and with a different guest each week, Marie-Louise Arsenault hosts this magazine that highlights the week’s top stories, casting a critical eye on the national and international media and the images that surround us in journalism, advertising and social networks.


This Is Not Hollywood

This Is Not Hollywood 2024


On August 26, 2010, a girl named Sarah disappears in Avetrana. The town is in turmoil, especially her cousin Sabrina. It looks like an innocent escape, but it's not. While everyone searches for her, Sarah has simply vanished without a trace. In one of the best-known cases in Italian true crime, this is the disconcerting story of a disappearance, narrated through the eyes of the protagonists.


Six fois deux/Sur et sous la communication

Six fois deux/Sur et sous la communication 1976


In this radically unconventional television series, Godard and Miéville analyze the political economy of personal and mass media communications in relation to society, culture, family and the individual. Their inquiry focuses "on and beneath" communications in a provocative critique of the power of media images in contemporary culture and everyday life. Each of the six programs is constructed of two complementary segments: A discursive visual essay on one aspect of the production and consumption of images is paired with a related interview on labor and leisure with an individual — an amateur filmmaker, a dairy farmer, the mathematician René Thom, Godard himself. These extended interviews provide a subjective counterpoint to the theoretical essays on work, economics and mass cultural imagery.


Hot Metal

Hot Metal 1986


Hot metal is a London Weekend Television sitcom about the British Newspaper industry broadcast between 1986 and 1988. The daily crucible, the dullest newspaper in Fleet Street, is suddenly taken over by media magnate Terence "Twiggy" Rathbone. Its editor Harry Stringer is 'promoted' to managing editor, and is replaced in his old job by Russell Spam. Spam then takes the paper shooting downmarket and turns the crucible into a sensation seeking scandal rag, very much in the style of the British tabloids of the 1980s. He is helped along by his ace gutter journalist, Greg Kettle, who intimidates his tabloid victims by claiming to be "a representative of Her Majesty's press" and produces stories such as accusing a vicar of being a werewolf. Throughout the first series, a running plot involved cub reporter Bill Tytla gradually uncovering an actual newsworthy story that went to the very heart of government. Written by David Renwick and Andrew Marshall, it is very much a continuation in style from their previous sitcom Whoops Apocalypse!. It was produced by Humphrey Barclay.


Absolute Power

Absolute Power 2003


Stephen Fry and John Bird star as spin doctors Charles Prentiss and Martin McCabe as they bring the popular and satirical Radio 4 comedy Absolute Power to BBC Two. Stephen as Prentiss and John as McCabe are an unscrupulous pair who run the blue chip PR agency Prentiss McCabe. Dealing with commercial as well as personal PR, their remit covers everything from political communications to celebrity media relations. Their manipulation skills are tested to the full as they frequently find that their work brings them into conflict with political parties, newspaper editors and celebrities.


George Michael: Outed

George Michael: Outed 2023


In 1998, pop star George Michael was arrested for a lewd act in a Los Angeles public toilet. This is the story of how his response to a potentially career-crushing event changed history.



Strife 2023


The comedic drama series tells the story of a modern, imperfect woman and publisher named Evelyn Jones, played by acclaimed Australian actress Asher Keddie, and her journey from lounge room blogger to becoming a force in women’s media.


Crash Course Media Literacy

Crash Course Media Literacy 2018


Join Jay Smooth next week for the start of our next miniseries: Crash Course Media Literacy!


Argos TV - Medialogic

Argos TV - Medialogic 1970


Media logic investigates the difference between image and reality. Media serve as a guide to get a grip on reality. But to what extent are they a reliable guide? How is public opinion formed? And what influence does this have on the actions of administrators, journalists and citizens?



Out 2022


Parts of Norway's queer history are seen through the eyes and hearts of more than 50 famous Norwegians.


Art of the Sea

Art of the Sea 2010


Writer and poet Owen Sheers explores British art and literature inspired by the high seas.