
Samsara 2011


Samsara genforener de to filmskabere Ron Fricke og Mark Magidson, hvis prisvindende film Baraka og Chronos bragte en ny visuel og musikalsk kunstfærdighed til biografrummet. Samsara er et helligt ord, der betyder det evigt drejende livshjul. Dette er udgangspunktet for de to filmskabere, mens de søger efter den undvigende strøm af sammenhæng, der løber igennem vores liv. Filmet over en periode på fem år, i femogtyve lande, på fem kontinenter og skudt med 70mm film, fører Samsara os til verdener bestående af hellig jord, naturkatastrofer, industrielle komplekser og naturens vidundere. Ved at dispensere al dialog og deskriptiv tekst undergraver Samsara vores forventninger om en traditionel dokumentar. I stedet opfordrer filmen til egne fortolkninger, som inspireres af betagende billeder og musik, der kombinerer det gamle med det moderne. Samsara udforsker verdens vidundere; fra det mondæne til det mirakuløse.


Eating Existence

Eating Existence 2015


Yoo Yang faces daily challenges working in customer service and tries to make it through each day without too many scars. She’s a part of the so-called Sampo Generation, a new generation of young professionals who eschews courtship, marriage and childbirth because of the tremendous social and economic pressures facing them. Yang instead takes great delight in food and loves to go around to find and eat great food. But when Yang meets the devilishly good-looking Park Byeong, who shares her attitude and also inexplicably finds her irresistible, will her attitudes about life and love change?


Maepjjiri Crossing The Line

Maepjjiri Crossing The Line 2023


"Crossing the Line" is a content for those who are called "spicy" because they are not good at eating spicy food, and Kwon Eun-bi, the so-called "spicy" leader who eats spicy food well, explores the spicy taste for their vicarious satisfaction. Kwon Eun-bi will try spicy foods regardless of genre and nationality through "Crossing the Line" and present an honest review from the perspective of "Crossing the Line". It is known that various contents such as finding spicy taste for spicy food and finding out the standards of spicy food are prepared together, which is all the more expected. *Maepjjiri (or Maebjjiri) is a Korean term for someone with low tolerance for spicy food.



Gastronauts 2024


Culinary masterminds compete in a series of challenges created by the most unhinged comedians.


Jason Can't Cook

Jason Can't Cook 2018


TV personality Jason Yeoh tries his hand at cooking by serving as an apprentice to various chefs. Can he acquire the skills to inject soul into the ingredients and whip up elegant dishes?