Species: The Awakening

Species: The Awakening 2007


Den smukke universitetsprofessor Miranda Hollander oplever et massivt blackout og vågner til sin rædsel op midt i de synlige spor efter et blodigt massemord. Dybt rystet beder hun sin onkel om detaljer vedrørende sin herkomst, men til sin skræk går det op for hende, at hendes DNA kun indeholder 50% menneskelige gener, mens de øvrige er fra en Alien! Sammen med sin onkel søger Miranda til Mexico for at finde den videnskabsmand, der skabte hende. Men der går ikke længe inden de står over for en gruppe dræberhybrider, der ikke har tænkt sig at lade dem overleve. Og samtidig er tiden ved at rinde ud for Miranda, hvis indre dræberinstinkter truer med at tage kontrol over hende for altid...


Shrek 2

Shrek 2 2004


De nygifte trolde Shrek og Fiona bliver inviteret hjem til Fionas forældre, der er monarker i et land langt væk. Forældrene synes bestemt ikke om, at deres datter er blevet en grøn trold og at hun har giftet sig med Shrek. Derfor beslutter de sig for at skaffe sig af med gommen og sørge for at Fiona får sin tidligere yndige fremtoning tilbage.


Skønheden og Udyret

Skønheden og Udyret 2017


En hovmodig prins forvandles til et uhyre og hans tjenere til talende møbler og husgeråd. Forbandelsen kan dog brydes, hvis han lærer at elske en kvinde - som elsker ham tilbage! Det er ikke nemt at finde en date, når man aldrig forlader sit skumle slot. Men da uhyret tager en opfinder til fange, tilbyder hans datter, Belle, at indtage sin fars plads. Og Belle skuer heldigvis ikke udyret på pelsen.


A Different Man

A Different Man 2024


Den håbefulde skuespiller Edward gennemgår en radikal medicinsk procedure for at ændre sit udseende drastisk. Men hans nye drømmeansigt bliver hurtigt til et mareridt, da han mister den rolle, han er født til at spille, og bliver besat af at generobre det tabte.


Hotel Transylvania 4 - Transformania

Hotel Transylvania 4 - Transformania 2022


Drac og resten af slænget er tilbage, som du har aldrig har set dem før. Da Van Helsings nyeste opfindelse går amok, bliver Drac og hans monster-venner transformeret til mennesker, mens Johnny bliver til et monster. I deres nye kroppe skal Drac, frataget sine kræfter, og en energisk Johnny, der elsker livet som et monster, slå sig sammen for at finde en kur. Men tiden er imod dem, og de skal finde kuren før deres transformationer bliver permanente.


Oldboy: Hævnen

Oldboy: Hævnen 2003


Dae-Su, en helt almindelig midaldrende mand, bliver kidnappet og låst inde i en celle uden en forklaring. Hans begær efter hævn mod kidnapperen, som har ødelagt hans liv vokser sig stærkere hver dag. Pludselig efter 15 år bliver han uventet sluppet fri med en fyldt tegnebog og en mobiltelefon. Han får fem dage til at finde ud af sandheden om, hvorfor han blev kidnappet og kræver hævn.


Shrek den tredje

Shrek den tredje 2007


Da Shreks frø-svigerfar pludselig går bort, begiver Shrek sig ud på endnu et stormfuldt eventyr med Æsel og Den Bestøvlede Kat for at finde den rette arving til tronne. Alle de elskede figurer er tilbage sammen med den magiske, misforståede Merlin, en kejtet Arthur, et enormt opbud af prinsesser og andre overraskende nytilkomne. Ingen kan som Shrek fortælle et eventyr, hvor alle ler lykkeligt til deres dages ende!


The Mask

The Mask 1994


Når den undselige Stanley Ipkiss tager sin mystiske grønne maske på og forvandler sig til den ustoppelige "The Mask", gør forbryderne klogt i at krybe i skjul. "The Mask" får også tid til at forføre supersilden Tina Carlyle, inden han redder byen fra den fæle Dorian.


Rosa: Det vilde søuhyre

Rosa: Det vilde søuhyre 2023


Den akavede teenager Rosa, forsøger desperat at passe ind blandt de andre elever på Oceanside High, men for det meste bare ender komplet usynlig. Da Rosa ved et tilfælde opdager at hun nedstammer fra en efterkommer af kriger-søuhyrer dronningerne, og er skæbnebestemt til at arve tronen fra sin bedstemor; Krigerdronningen af de syv have. Det bliver nu Rosas opgave at beskytte verdenshavene mod de magtsyge havfruer.


Bjørne brødre

Bjørne brødre 2003


Tre indianske brødre får hver tildelt et totemdyr. Oprørske Kenai bliver rimelig skuffet over at få bjørnen, der blandt andet har kærligheden som egenskab. Da Kenai prøver at dræbe en bjørn, bliver hans broder dræbt. Som straf forvandler guderne Kenai selv til en bjørn. Og nu er det ham, der er den jagede.



Annihilation 2018


Biolog-parret (Isaac og Portman) deltager frivilligt i en hemmelig mission i et fremmed territorium – en afskåret skov, hvor et formskiftende Aurora Borealis-lignende væsen venter. Andre har tidligere vovet sig ind i området med katastrofale følger.


Lost Highway

Lost Highway 1997


En stakkels jazzmusiker plages af tanken om, at hans kone er ham utro. Bedre bliver det ikke, da han senere bliver anklaget for at have myrdet hende. En ung bilmekaniker bliver af en fristende smuk kvinde draget ind i et net af løgne og bedrag. Deres skæbner bliver knyttet sammen ved det, at de personer der gør deres liv så besværligt, måske er én og samme person. Og gennem en række mystiske og utrolige hændelser - som faktisk sætter spørgsmål ved deres egen identitet - knyttes de endnu tættere sammen. De kastes ud i en mental rejse fyldt med visuelle og lydmæssige oplevelser. Hvem er hvem, og hvem har gjort hvad?



Hulk 2003


Videnskabsmanden Bruce Banner har problemer med at styre sin vrede. Hans rolige liv som en strålende forsker, der arbejder med sin ekskæreste Betty Ross, skjuler en smertefuld fortid. Et usædvanligt laboratorieuheld røber Bruces heroiske instinkter, men slipper også hans indre dæmoner løs. Han bliver da den stærkeste skabning på denne jord. En superhelt og et monster.


De Fantastiske Fire

De Fantastiske Fire 2005


Under en rumrejse bliver fire personer udsat for kosmisk stråling. Det viser sig at være held i uheld, da bestrålingen har givet dem superkræfter. De danner De Fantastiske 4, og gruppen får hurtigt kvalificeret modstand, da de forsøger at forpurre superskurkens Dr. Dooms planer. Som navnet antyder, er han ikke den mest forstående type.



Fluen 1986


Den geniale forsker Seth Brundle (Jeff Goldblum) har fundet en metode til at teleportere levende væsener fra den ene ende af kloden til den anden. Han har bygget en maskine, der kan splitte et menneske op i atomer og samle det igen et andet sted. I hvert fald i teorien, for indtil videre er den kun testet på aber med varierende resultat. Da det endelig lykkes ham at få maskinen til at virke rigtigt, beslutter han sig for at afprøve den på sig selv. Desværre sniger der sig en lille flue med ind i teleporteren, så da Seth aktiverer maskinen, bliver han og fluen blandet sammen. Til at starte med bemærker Seth ikke, at der er noget galt, men gradvist begynder fluens DNA at overtage hans krop.


Dragonball Z: Blodhævn

Dragonball Z: Blodhævn 1991


Cooler har fået at vide, at hans bror, Freezer, er blevet dræbt af en saiya-jin, og han sætter derfor kurs mod Jorden for at hævne hans død. Son-Goku bliver hans mål. Cooler er stor i slaget og fortæller Son-Goku, at han ikke bare er ude på at hævne sin brors død, han vil også udslette alle saiya-jiner. Son-Goku bliver angrebet, mens han er på udflugt med sine venner. Kampen ender med, at Son-Goku får et alvorligt slag i ryggen. Hårdt såret søger han i skjul i en grotte sammen med Kuririn for at samle kræfter. Son-Goku har brug for magiske bønner, hvis han skal overleve, så Son-Gohan begiver sig nu på ryggen af sin drage af sted mod mester Kvædes tårn for at få de livsvigtige bønner. Det bliver en farlig rejse, for Cooler og hans håndlangere har stadig ikke opgivet jagten på Son-Goku og hans venner.


The Witches

The Witches 2020


Genskabelsen af Roald Dahls højt elskede historie til det store lærred er en mørk, humoristisk og hjertevarmende fortælling om en ung, forældreløs dreng, der i 1967 flytter ind hos sin kærlige bedstemor i Alabama. Da drengen og hans bedstemor støder på farligt glamourøse, men særdeles djævelske, hekse, flygter hun med sit barnebarn til et overdådigt, afsides badehotel. Desværre ankommer de samtidig med Overheksen, der har samlet sine kollegaer fra hele verden – undercover – for at udføre sine skumle planer.


To Your Eternity

To Your Eternity 2021


In the beginning, an "orb" is cast unto Earth. "It" can do two things: change into the form of the thing that stimulates "it"; and come back to life after death. "It" morphs from orb to rock, then to wolf, and finally to boy, but roams about like a newborn who knows nothing. As a boy, "it" becomes Fushi. Through encounters with human kindness, Fushi not only gains survival skills, but grows as a "person". But his journey is darkened by the inexplicable and destructive enemy Nokker, as well as cruel partings with the people he loves.


Animal Detectives Kiruminzoo

Animal Detectives Kiruminzoo 2009


While searching for a run-away cat the twins Riko and Rimu Mikogami find a strange device that transforms them into "Kirumin." It also enables them to turn into real animals. Their older sister Nagisa soon joins them. Now the three have cute, funny and sometimes dangerous adventures.


Transformers: Cyberverse

Transformers: Cyberverse 2018


When Bumblebee begins to suffer amnesia, his partner, Windblade, comes to the rescue, and repairs his memory chips, enabling him to rediscover his past adventures on Cybertron. Once his memories are repaired, Bumblebee gets a clue that will lead both him and Windblade to complete their current mission and save their friends, unaware that Megatron sent his Decepticon assassins to hunt them down.


Weird Science

Weird Science 1994


Gary Wallace, a teenager who dreams of beautiful women and a cheerful life, and his only friend, the shy and geek Wyatt Donnelly, always serve as a target for ridicule and bullying of violent classmates. Once using a computer and mysterious electrical radiation, they manage to bring to life the "woman of their dreams." Her name is Lisa, and she is ready to fulfill the wishes of her creators ...


Madan Senki Ryukendo

Madan Senki Ryukendo 2006


Akebono City is a peaceful community overflowing with humanity. Since there was a Power Spot that released the magical power in the community, the people were distressed by the threat of the demon army Jamanga who are gathering Minus Energy (マイナスエネルギー Mainasu Enerugī) from the frightened masses for a sinister purpose. The secret organization S.H.O.T. was formed to protect the people of the community from the Jamanga, concealing their existence as ordinary members of the Akebono Police Station, which considers demons beyond their jurisdiction. Kenji Narukami, a student of the Narukami Dragon God Style (鳴神龍神流 Narukami Ryūjinryū) for fighting demons, arrives at Akebono to fight the demons, eventually getting his wish when he is transformed to RyuKenDo and faces off against Jamanga's forces together with his friends to restore peace in the community.


Cagaster of an Insect Cage

Cagaster of an Insect Cage 2020


At the end of the 21st century, a rare disease called “Cagaster” broke out, turning humans into huge insects. Two-thirds of the earth‘s population was devoured by these insects before humanity made a decision: they must exterminate the infected people. In the year 2125 – thirty years after the discovery of Cagaster – at the edge of the desert close to the “cage” of the insects, a young pest exterminator named Kidou finds a man close to death due to the wounds by insects. The man entrusts his daughter Ilie to Kidou and asks him to search for the girl‘s mother…


Babylon 5

Babylon 5 1994


Babylon 5 is a five-mile long space station located in neutral space. Built by the Earth Alliance in the 2250s, its goal is to maintain peace among the various alien races by providing a sanctuary where grievances and negotiations can be worked out among duly appointed ambassadors. A council made up of representatives from the five major space-faring civilizations - the Earth Alliance, Minbari Federation, Centauri Republic, Narn Regime, and Vorlon Empire - work with the League of Non-Aligned Worlds to keep interstellar relations under control. Aside from its diplomatic function, Babylon 5 also serves as a military post for Earth and a port of call for travelers, traders, businessmen, criminals, and Rangers.


Fruits Basket

Fruits Basket 2001


Tohru Honda is 16 year old orphaned girl who gets invited to live in the house of her classmate, the handsome boy Sohma Yuki, and his cousins, 16 year old Kyo and 27 year old Shigure. However, these young men and parts of the rest of their family (both close and distant) hold a curse; if they are hugged by the opposite gender, they transform into animals of the Chinese Zodiac. Everyday is an adventure for sweet Tohru, as she gets to know everyone in the large family better (especially Yuki and Kyo), in both common and bizarre situations. But, the Sohma Family curse is certainly no laughing matter... it also holds horrible cruelty and heartbreak.


Ben 10

Ben 10 2005


When 10-year-old Ben Tennyson discovers a mysterious device, he gains the power to change into ten different alien heroes, each with uniquely awesome powers. With such abilities at his disposal, Ben realizes a greater responsibility to help others and stop evildoers, but that doesn't mean he's above a little superpowered mischief now and then.


Land of the Lustrous

Land of the Lustrous 2017


In the mysterious future, crystalline organisms called Gems inhabit a world that has been destroyed by six meteors. Each Gem is assigned a role in order to fight against the Lunarians, a species who attacks them in order to shatter their bodies and use them as decorations. Phosphophyllite, also known as Phos, is a young and fragile Gem who dreams of helping their friends in the war effort. Instead, they are told to compile an encyclopedia because of their delicate condition. After begrudgingly embarking on this task, Phos meets Cinnabar, an intelligent gem who has been relegated to patrolling the isolated island at night because of the corrosive poison their body creates. After seeing how unhappy Cinnabar is, Phos decides to find a role that both of the rejected Gems can enjoy. Can Phos's seemingly mundane assignment lead both Phos and Cinnabar to the fulfillment they desire?


The Legend of White Snake

The Legend of White Snake 2019


Provoked by the actions of a seemingly sly human, an ancient snake spirit takes on a human form, in order to prove him a fraud. Convinced she’s doing the world a favor, Bai Su Zhen challenges Xu Xuan to a contest of skill but what starts as a heated rivalry soon turns to burning passion. Faced with opposition from every side, Bai Su Zhen and Xu Xuan’s love is put to the test time and time again.


Tokimeki Tonight

Tokimeki Tonight 1982


The main character, Ranze, is a junior high girl with troubles: her father is a vampire and her mother is a werewolf. Ranze has yet to manifest her supernatural powers, and her parents are beginning to get worried she might be normal. So begins the fantasy romantic comedy story.


The Red Ranger Becomes an Adventurer in Another World

The Red Ranger Becomes an Adventurer in Another World 2025


Togo Asagaki was the Red Ranger in a heroic Ranger squad. During their final battle against an evil organization, he gave his life to guarantee their triumph. But fate had other plans, and he found himself reborn in an entirely different world. Embracing his new role as an adventurer, he transforms into Kizuna Red and continues his pursuit of justice, helping those in need.


Meow, the Secret Boy

Meow, the Secret Boy 2020


What if your cat was capable of turning into a charming boy? After taking time off, Sol Ah returns to school as she finds herself a place to live alone. Per her friend’s favor, Sol Ah takes in a cat named Hong Jo, and a story of the life of two housemates unfolds. However, Sol Ah is not aware that the cat, Hong Jo, has the ability to shapeshift into a human. Sol Ah’s friends start to notice weird things about Hong Jo whenever they run into his human form. Things are about to change around the peaceful single-resident complex, and Hong Jo finds it difficult just being a mere cat whenever Sol Ah is too busy with her life to pay attention to him. Will Sol Ah be able to recognize Hong Jo in his human form? Sol Ah and Hong Jo “Welcome!” you into their romance fantasy story.


Ben 10: Omniverse

Ben 10: Omniverse 2012


A year after the events that took place during the "Final Battle" and equipped with an all-new completed Omnitrix, 16-year-old Ben Tennyson has to face new enemies.


Ben 10

Ben 10 2016


With the fifth offshoot of the "Ben 10" franchise, the animated series returns to its roots and its original name, bringing 10-year-old Benjamin "Ben" Tennyson, his cousin Gwen, and Grandpa Max back to life on a new summer vacation journey. As in the original, the stories in the remake of the series also spin around an alien wristwatch called "the Omnitrix," with the help of Ben can turn into ten different aliens, which come up with different supernatural powers. He fights enemy aliens and experiences with his grandfather and cousin the most exciting vacation imaginable.


Ben 10: Alien Force

Ben 10: Alien Force 2008


Five years later, 15-year-old Ben Tennyson chooses to once again put on the Omnitrix and discovers that it has recalibrated and can now transform him into 10 brand new aliens. Joined by his super-powered cousin Gwen Tennyson and his equally powerful former enemy Kevin Levin, Ben is on a mission to find his missing Grandpa Max. In order to save his Grandpa, Ben must defeat the evil DNAliens, a powerful alien race intent on destroying the galaxy, starting with planet Earth.


She-Ra and the Princesses of Power

She-Ra and the Princesses of Power 2018


In this reboot of the '80s series, a magic sword transforms an orphan girl into warrior She-Ra, who unites a rebellion to fight against evil.


SAINT SEIYA: Knights of the Zodiac

SAINT SEIYA: Knights of the Zodiac 2019


Seiya and the Knights of the Zodiac rise again to protect the reincarnation of the goddess Athena, but a dark prophecy hangs over them all.


The Secret World of Alex Mack

The Secret World of Alex Mack 1994


The Secret World of Alex Mack is an American television series that ran on Nickelodeon from October 8, 1994 to January 15, 1998, replacing Clarissa Explains It All on the SNICK line-up. It also aired on YTV in Canada and NHK in Japan, and was a popular staple in the children's weekday line-up for much of the mid-to-late 1990s on the Australian Broadcasting Corporation. Repeats of the series aired in 2003 on The N, but it was soon replaced there. The series was produced by Thomas Lynch and John Lynch of Lynch Entertainment, produced by RHI Entertainment, Hallmark Entertainment and Nickelodeon Productions and was co-created by Tom Lynch and Ken Lipman. For home video releases, it was released under the Hallmark Home Entertainment label, making it the first Nickelodeon show not to be released by Paramount Home Video or Sony Wonder.