The Matrix: Reloaded

The Matrix: Reloaded 2003


250.000 maskiner er ved at bore sig gennem jorden ind til Zion og inden 72 timer når de byen og vil udslette befolkningen. Neo må have sine mægtige kræfter i spil i en fart og han møder oraklet. Agent Smith har fået storhedsvanvid og kører sit eget løb og samtidig forudser Neo i drømme, hvordan hans elskede Trinity dør - en skæbne han for alt i verden må redde hende fra.



Go 1999


I Los Angeles prøver Ronna og Claire desperat at finde en måde at betale huslejen. Simon og Marcus stjæler en bil under en festlig nat i Las Vegas. Adam og Zack bliver involveret i en kaotisk politi-aktion mod stoffer. Alle bliver i løbet af et døgn forbundet gennem en fejlslået narkohandel og alle er ude hvor de ikke kan bunde.



XOXO 2016




Underground 2011


En gruppe venner kæmper for deres liv mod de dødbringende og glubske skabninger, der lurer under jordens overflade. Gruppen er prisgivne skabninger, der er genetisk manipuleret af militæret til at kunne bruges i kamp. Selvom de kæmpede utallige kampe i Irak, kendte disse venner aldrig reel frygt, før de gik under jorden.


What We Started

What We Started 2018


DJ's og brancheeksperter tager dig med på en tur til en verden af elektronisk dance-music og reflekterer over genrens radikale oprindelse og dens fremtid.



Spaced 1999


Spaced: the anti-Friends, in that it examines the lives of common 20 somethings, but in a way that is more down to earth and realistic. Here we have Daisy and Tim; two 'young' adults with big dreams just trying to get by in this crazy world. They are thrown together in a common pursuit of tenancy, which they find by posing as a couple. The house has a landlady and an oddball artist living there. The series explores the ins and outs of London living.


The Gathering

The Gathering 2024


A violent attack on a teenager at an illegal beach rave sends shockwaves of suspicion through a Merseyside community. As secrets and lies are laid bare, will the truth emerge?



Flash 2020


A series about the evolution of various spheres of Ukrainian culture and its modern heroes. This is the result of 100+ interviews and stories about how whole layers of culture were created in Ukraine. It is an attempt to capture the outbreak that is happening today and that we are waiting for tomorrow, to understand the strengths and weaknesses, identify trends and find answers to questions that concern. Each episode reveals an important topic: from the phenomenon of Ukrainian pop music and clipmaking to movies, comedy, street art and local clothing brands.